Tag Archives: election


I’m upset about the elections. I held off on commenting on it because I was just so angry. While I was washing the dishes, my mom said with a smirk, ‘Obama wins’. Pathetic. And she had the NERVE to give HIM, of all people, credit for us having a place to live. He has put more people out of work than the republicans yet you don’t see her praising them! We have a place to live because BOTH my parents WORK for a living! They have been working and paying their own bills for the house we live in. How stupid could you be to give Obama credit for things he had nothing to do with? I guess that’s how all Obama voters think. You have to trick yourself into thinking he is helpful by giving him credit for random crap he had no part in just to be able to support him.

During this entire election, the economy was always listed as the main issue. Many polls and articles asked viewers what they thought was the most important issue and they often said ‘it was the economy’. SOOOO why do we still have so many people voting for someone who RUINS the economy? If this wasn’t the main issue to the people who voted for Obama(as I suspect), then why do they bother casting a ballot that would have a negative impact on millions of Americans who DO care about their jobs? I’m glad states wanted to secede. One group shouldn’t have to suffer because the other group has stunted mental growth.

Seeing images of all these black Obama voters crying(no I’m not racist, I am black as well) just pissed me off! They KNEW about all his faults and overlooked them because of his race. Disgusting. You can do NOTHING productive and STILL get people’s votes? What kind of world am I living in? REALLY.

I’m mostly angry because many black Obama voters just voted for Obama because he was black, yet you aren’t suppose to judge people based off ‘the color of their skin but by the content of their character’. The sad part is they think the content of Obama’s character is better because of the color of his skin. If a white person lied and deceived people the way Obama has, they’d say he was nothing but a no good (you-know-what). Yet many Obama voters have the nerve to say that if you DON’T vote for him, then you’re racist!

My gender really disappoints me this election. It seems as if they will cave anytime a sweet talker comes around and says all the right things. He doesn’t have to actually do what he says, he just has to say it the right way and he gets their votes. If this doesn’t make females look like soft, naive, vulnerable people, I don’t know what does. What an embarrassment…

Blacks actually identify most with conservatives. Look at their magazines, liberal or religious, and you’ll see MOST of them have something about God/religion in them. So much so that a black magazine, EBONY had to address Atheist readers in an issue ‘(IMO)caving to political correctness trying not of offend anyone’ to make Atheists feel more comfortable reading their magazines. Religion has been heavily integrated in black society since slavery and was what kept the slaves going through all their hardships, so it disgusts me that we have so many blacks that are now turning against religion. But this is a sign of the times.

There are blacks who are not conservative but there are MANY who ARE. Look at the attendance rate in black churches especially the black mega churches and you’ll see. For instance, it is a well know fact that most black people are AGAINST homosexuality yet they will vote for a president that is OK with gay marriage. What that tells me is that they will ‘let some things slide’ based off race. They don’t even care that he doesn’t have the same values as they do or even if he is fit for the job. Clear evidence that they only looked at his race!

So now you can be unequipped to deal with the economy, wishy washy, AND have little Christian values, yet still get elected! I don’t understand why so many blacks vote for democrats when many often don’t identify with liberals. Even if they don’t consider themselves liberals, they are supporting liberals and contributing to the liberal agenda by voting them in office. This doesn’t make sense to me.

Here is a video of someone who is fed up with the black voters that voted for Obama. I am glad to see a black person who doesn’t shame our race with ignorance.
Youtube Video

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