Category Archives: religion

Debating on Child marriage through the suffering of Islam’s child brides

Christianity vs Islam Debate (Pt. 1)

Throughout the debate, Ali Ataie(a Muslim) and David Wood(a Christian) mention a number of things that either defend or attack the character of Mohammad or the legitimacy of Mohammad as a true prophet. The main issues brought up were: is child marriage ever acceptable, is the trinity the truth, are the teachings of Jesus being God, crucified, or possibly tempted by Satan contradictions in the bible, are the contradictions on the earth’s age really contradictions, and is the bible anymore violent or sexual than the Quran/the Hadiths.

The Issue of Child Marriage

I’ll start with the issue of child marriage first. The reasons why it is an issue is a given to anyone with any kind of critical thinking skills, but to those who were raised in other faiths and cultures even if their cultural ways killed them they’d still preach the greatness of it.

Because of the complacency of the debater and Muslims worldwide with a 50 year old having sexual relations with a 9 year old, and because it is an important issue, this issue cannot be addressed enough.

[The prophet Mohammed] married Aisha when she was a girl six years of age and he consummated the marriage when she was nine years old. (Bukhari 63:122) Some aim to dispute this and find ways to accept the marriage by claiming she was 16, 18, or even 19 when Mohammed had sexual relations with her, but all these numbers only exist in their imaginations as the hadith clearly states that she was in fact nine when the marriage was consummated. It was also believed that the marriage was consummated after her period, which is why many claim it was permitted in Islam at the time. However, the Quran says the waiting period for those who haven’t menstruated yet is three months, so waiting 3 years or less to consummate a marriage would be permitted in Islam.

And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women – if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him of his matter ease. (Quran 65:4)

While there may be a minimum age placed on marriage in Muslim countries, a religion that places no minimum age on marriage can override these laws and the minimum age laws can override the law that says you cannot consummate the marriage with a girl until they start menstruating.

Is it really ‘tradition’ that keeps child marriage alive?

In addition to these rules, some Muslims claim it is O.K. as long as the child can withstand sexual intercourse, but there is really no way of knowing which children can withstand sexual intercourse or giving birth until AFTER the damage is done. Even after it has been proven that many young girls can’t withstand sexual intercourse, pregnancy, and marriage life, it still goes on! It is hard to believe that the people in those times were too primitive or so wrapped up in their cultural practices to recognize the obvious connection between child marriage, miscarriages, psychological trauma, and premature death in children. When you continue to advocate and practice the tradition long after the tradition began, and the people of today’s culture realize the harms of the practice, it’s no longer an old cultural or religious practice that can be forgotten; it’s just carelessness. The “it was tradition” argument also won’t work because Aisha’s parents didn’t want to allow her to marry at that young age until Mohammed convinced them that Islam allows it. If it was openly accepted at that time to marry at such a young age, they wouldn’t need to be convinced.


The Child Marriage issue is now a global issue

Due to economic migration and increasing numbers of refugees pouring into Germany, “Some 1,475 minor refugees, mostly girls, have arrived in Germany already married, the majority of whom come from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, an official report cited by German media says. Almost one in four are reportedly less than 14 years old.”

Videos & Articles on the suicides, mental, and physical instability caused by child marriage:

Children have died giving birth. Even some girls who are 12 to 15 years of age can STILL be physically too young to have sex and bare children.

One child marriage survivor claims: “What I would say to other young girls in your position is never get married at an early age. If you do you will have psychological problems like I do. I don’t get to live like other girls my age – and I never will.”

This is said by a girl married at the age of 10. I cannot image it would be any better for a 9 year old. Children want to experience their childhood and they are robbed of that right when they are forced to grow up too soon.

Child Marriage victims are known as survivors. Their lives are about survival, not thriving. Their lives are often hell and they suffer in silence. They are forced to fulfill their “duties” as wives yet they are too young to even know what that is. I cannot imagine the fear, confusion, and blank expressions child brides have when they are expected to fulfill the sexual desires of their husbands. Losing one’s virginity hurts like a SOB and I wouldn’t wish it on ANY child. I think the whole “it’s sacred and wonderful” crap is what they put in the movies to make you think the experience gives you more fuzzy feelings than pain, but that’s just crap. A grown man cannot have sex with a child and not know that they are really hurting them. If you continue, you just don’t care. I’m not surprised some are physically AND psychologically damaged from the act.

Child marriage or this “normal” tradition is also known to lead to poverty as women/girls who cannot contribute to the economy or household income continuing the endless cycle of generational poverty. There isn’t one good thing that comes out of child marriage. It’s a pointless tradition encouraged because of the depravity, willful ignorance, and lack of human empathy of man.


Why bring Mary and Joseph into this?

It’s funny Ali mentions the relationship between Mary and Joseph to show that child marriage was O.K. We don’t know for sure Mary’s age when she was pregnant with Jesus. She could’ve been anywhere from 12 to 16. Surprisingly, he chose the youngest possible age she could’ve been according to the Jewish religion’s belief of when a girl becomes a woman. Joseph was said to be in his late 30s or about 40, but there is a difference between a guy choosing a 12 year old in that time period and a guy choosing a 6 year old. What Ali does is suggest that age was just a number back then when referring to practices by Christians or Jews, but only attempts to address the methodology of it when he refers to Muslims as young as Aisha.

When you get closer to the double digits that’s when girls voluntarily start engaging in sexual activity. Even today, rarely 12 year olds but mainly 14-16 year olds are starting to have sex on their own. Meanwhile, if 6-9 year olds have had sex, whether they hit puberty or not, they were forced or coerced. A 9 year old does not have the mental capacity to give their consent to sex or marriage. Children rely on adults to know what is best for them, and sometimes adults fail them. When you deny the fact that children want to be children at that age and are traumatized by the idea of having to sexually satisfy their husbands, bare children, and act as much as a wife as older women in spite of all the evidence before you, there is a problem with your mindset.


The Islamic mindset is that when you stop playing with dolls, you’re no longer a child, but the “she was no longer playing with dolls” argument doesn’t work either because at that time kids are only allowed to play with dolls up until a certain point whereas today you can play with dolls as long as you want. That’s probably why I was playing with dolls up until I was 13 and just because I was done playing with dolls after that it doesn’t mean I was ready for marriage!

While he does shed some light on the contradictions of state laws regarding the age limit one can be for marriage, all it shows is that the few people running the state think that younger children should be allowed to marry, not that most children want to marry or that most parents in those states want their kids to get married. Our age of consent laws today are actually more accurate according to the differences in maturity in kids today although I believe the age of consent should be closer to 16 because many teens are voluntarily having sex at this age. Our culture victimizes some people for no good reason because of these laws and today’s culture even victimizes 20 year olds for being with 40-50yr olds simply because they “don’t like the way it looks”. So yea, under our crazy laws anyone can be labeled a victim or sex predator. But it’s better to be safe than sorry with 16-18yrs being the age of consent because coercion by older predators is common around the world.


Profiling Sexual Abuse Victims & Pedophiles

In spite of the argument Ali is trying to make, Aisha is not proof ALL or even MOST victims of sexual abuse are introverts. Many survivors are alive today and you wouldn’t know the difference between the survivors and the non-survivors. Some people are naturally introverts and some are naturally extroverts as the 11 year old in one of the videos speaking out about the horrors of child marriage. Thus, being an extrovert doesn’t mean they weren’t affected by the experience in a negative way. It could just mean they are more psychologically and socially developed than others their age. Just because they don’t speak out about it or become introverts because of it doesn’t mean its ok. I’ve never heard of a positive experience of a 9 year old child bride having sex with a much older male. Because “it’s tradition”, there is no one to listen to their complaints even if they do complain, so the extent of the problem is ignored. Thus, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the negative aspects of this cultural practice aren’t recorded in any scriptures.

Also, I’m not sure if there is any universal psychological profile of a pedophile. If there was people would be significantly better at figuring out who all of these predators are. As it is, most people have probably met at least one pedophile in their lives and don’t know it, and others are in denial that THEIR children could’ve ever been preyed on by pedophiles or THEIR “perfect” neighborhoods could ever contain such people. The fact is pedophiles come in a variety of ages and from a variety of backgrounds INCLUDING being among those of professional occupations and church leaders. Profiling pedophiles and their victims with such a narrow view never helps the situation.

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Model leaves Victoria Secret to Follow Faith

It’s sad to see so many people bashing a former Victoria Secrets model for leaving the modeling business for her faith. There are undoubtedly more anti-religious remarks to come. The sad part is that their response isn’t  even about HER, their dislike of her decision REALLY comes from their own feelings that Christians like her look down on others that don’t follow in their footsteps or that she ‘unnecessarily’ prevented another model from winning the competition. As if being a super model is absolutely necessary in ones life.

The girl is trying to turn her life around and has come out and admitted her feelings TO THE PUBLIC, which is something MOST people wouldn’t do. All these things are personal decisions that don’t effect anyone else, so who are the anti-christians putting the whole “holier than thou” argument in her decision?

The opposition went on to say that “she should have thought about her faith BEFORE entering in modeling” WHAT?! It’s like these people act like THEY are “holier than thou”. As if they haven’t made a single mistake in their whole lives and didn’t realize it until AFTER the committed the act. I’m sure they’ve made PLENTY of mistakes that they should’ve thought about before! It’s called LIFE! You live and learn.

I could make the same assumption about former drug addicts/alcoholics, prostitutes, or any one else alive who made a ‘secular’ mistake. Should we also question their willingness to change just because they made a bad decision in their lives that doesn’t have anything to do with religion? NO! We should be happy for them and encourage them.

It is PERFECTLY FINE to change your decision AFTER you’d done wrong in religion because God is loving & forgiving and her knows that people who are born into sin will sin. He is not hateful and disgusting like these people attacking her. They are so filled with hate and anger because of their beliefs that they don’t see it or even care.

This really shows why America is going down the tubes. There are so many mean, hateful, angry people that want everyone to follow their beliefs system even though they claim it is the absence of a belief. Religion is not your enemy. Your only enemy is yourselves…

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♥ They had me in the beginning of the movie when they were explaining how the stress of the mother, nurturing children, and the environment effects human development. Though this is common sense and I think everyone should know, I know that many don’t know this and NEED to watch this film. When they started talking about how if you don’t hold your baby for fear of spoiling it it would be detrimental to the child’s development, I felt like if I didn’t listen to him my future child(if I have one) is going to be messed up. lol.

But they lost me when they starting talking about having this utopia surrounded around science & technology that would change the world. I’m confused. Isn’t worship of technology what we have now which is causing everyone to constantly consume (ie. apple, sony, samsung), which is what we DON’T want??? Also, I don’t think some of their ideas would work. Why would you want a computer to run a car instead of a human being? SCARY SCARY SCARY-!

♥ And just before they start to discuss their proposed solution to saving society, they toss aside the Bible saying it has no blueprint for a solution to the world’s problems. WTH?! FALSE!

The Bible talks about:


♥ [Luke 12:15] “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”


♥ [1 Timothy 6:10] “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

Preventing Deeper Debt with Interest

♥ [Deuteronomy 23:19] “Do not charge your brother interest, whether on money or food or anything else that may earn interest.”

Power of the Rich in Capitalism

♥ [Proverbs 22:7] “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”

It seems these people are either uneducated on biblical teachings or they simply don’t care to know the real truth. They propose a lot of ideas, but how will you implement them without religion? How do you create the homogeneous society within an individualistic one? Everyone isn’t going to follow through regardless how ‘logical’ the plan is because they are trained to despise conformity.

♥ Another problem is when they show how the Amish (an ULTRA RELIGIOUS society) are living MUCH better than the secular world — with low crime rate — because of their homogeneous society and equality in economic status, which is because of their RELIGION. Also, they don’t have electronics, so NO technology is necessary to create a well-adjusted successful society.

♥ This is backed even more by their statement that before 1936 the consumption rate was HALF that of today’s. And what was the structure of society in that time? That’s right…RELIGION. This is before people started liberalizing everything, ruining society with their idea that ‘freedom’ to do as you please equals happiness. The crime rate, substance abuse, increase in multiple short-term relationships etc. doesn’t show happiness to me; it shows that their liberal ideas are clearly NOT working. They are creating a divided nation where society doesn’t thrive.


♥ Even in communities with low crime rate that aren’t religious like Japan, their traditions are so much like religion (and some even more strict) that we can very well say that consistency with strict rules in pretty much any society will lead to it’s success. This is what the religious have been preaching for the longest, but as usual no one wants to listen and this cycle of abuse with capitalism will continue.

Watch the Video Here


Mind deficit

I was bothered by another closed-minded individual. I know why they think the way they do, but i think the problem is that THEY don’t know WHY they think the way they do. We belong to two different faiths. They are Jewish and I am Christian, so of course they are going to assume their religion is more factual than mine AND of course they’ll do this without evidence because they were raised to believe it. I know how it is when you’re a part of a religion. Growing up knowing nothing else and even when you learn of other religions later on in life the people of your faith will have already taught you to disregard them as FALSE. I’m not saying people should question their faiths(unless something doesn’t sound right) The problem is that some people don’t want to admit their beliefs may be more about just faith than facts. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. In fact, i’m sure God is pleased to know that his people will trust him based off the words of the bible rather than feeling like they need some evidence to prove he is right. Of course there have been many finds in science/archaeology to prove the bible is factual, but believers shouldn’t need that to believe.

So the conversation was quite upsetting because I felt like i was talking to an atheists with all the “its all myths” “where is your proof?” not even realizing THEY were the ones who suggested the events in the new testament were myths which would mean the burden of proof is on them. Do they even realize that when they were growing up, they automatically believed it WITHOUT any proof at all, yet they ask other faiths of their proof?! Makes no sense.

Then they claim to be educated on Christianity(EVEN MORE THAN ME), but i know how closed-minded people are. What would be the outcome of a Jew reading the Christian bible?? Honestly. You might as well have an Atheist reading the Quran! They aren’t going to take any of it seriously since they’ve been taught since children that its all lies, so what kind of “education” is that? It is silly. It is kind of sad closed-minded people don’t know they have a problem and probably will NEVER know. No amount of “education” is going to help if you close your mind off to something even before you attempt to learn about it.

And how is it that the old testament is factual and the new testament is myths when they cannot given ANY proof of this? I feel like they think God just stopped working after the old testament as if there “couldn’t” be MORE to the story. There is still MUCH more we can learn from God and the new testament offers that extended teaching. I’m pretty sure God was still busy after the old testament was written, so unless you know EVERY single thing God did during our lifetime then SHUT IT about what you THINK he didn’t do.

-Funny how God can CAUSE PLAGUES and PART THE SEAS to free the slaves from Egypt but OH NO it is sooo unbelievable that he could raise Jesus from his death! LOL

-Funny how God can make the barren give birth and make the fertile barren, but can’t cause a virgin to give birth! LOL

-And isn’t it funny how Jesus and all the people of the new testament couldn’t have existed yet all the other people & prophets in the old testament HAD TO HAVE existed! LOL

-Oh and umm God can’t have a son, but umm yea he is God so he can have anything he wants. He could have a sister and a brother if he wanted too!

And how someone can be angered by sweet humble Jesus just amazes me! Making false, baseless claims against him for no reason other than “i was raised to believe otherwise” is just silly. And they call him a false prophet of course because they’re judging Christian prophets based off Judaism! so no matter what he will ALWAYS be considered false.

I smell BIAS!!! God is the giver of life, the all powerful! He can do ANYTHING! If nothing else people should learn from the bible that anything is possible with God. How can one say he didn’t do this OR he can’t do this and expect others to believe it without proof? So if someone wants to mark my beliefs as myths simply because they were raised to believe something else, that’s ok because I know you are just following what your parents taught you like many others.

And BTW this is the SECOND time i’ve dealt with the whole “i’m right and you’re wrong because i’m a Jew and you’re a Christian” crap. Every other religion does the same thing. It’s getting old and quite frankly i’m getting tired of it.


Effects of Atheism vs Effects of Religion Pt.7

Reviewing the Past

 The “Innocent” Atheists

I wonder why Atheists only remember the parts of history that they can use against religion. After all, Atheists in the past have been just as guilty as the religious they accuse. Why do they play dumb when people mention all the deaths and wars caused by anti-religious communists AND some Atheists saying they have no association to them? Really? Atheism has nothing to do with their actions? Lets see if they’re right…

Some well known communist leaders were Atheists who were intent on forcing their ideology on their people which included doing everything in their power to rid their countries of religion.

Joseph Stalin was an ATHEIST who was responsible for millions of deaths under his regime including many of his own soldiers. He taught Atheism in schools forcing it on his people and he left his people in fear for their lives just for having any association with religion.

Anti religion Pol Pot planned to “purify” Cambodia which included riding the country of religion and closing them off from western influences. Religion was outlawed and the punishment for disobeying this law was severe. Many people including the religious were executed resulting in over 1 million deaths. They even had “killing fields” for the law breakers. They forced many into labor camps. Some were tortured and others died of starvation.

The former leader of China, Mao was an ATHEIST who was extremely anti-religion. He aimed to destroy all Tibetan Monasteries which resulted in the death, torture, and imprisonment of thousands of nuns and monks. His heavy influence by Evolution lead him to force it’s teachings on his citizens. Mao Tse Tung said, “Religion is poison.” 65 million people died under his regime. It seems as if his false ideology was more poison than anything.

Hoxha Enver former Albanian leader also an ATHEIST, wanted to destroy ALL religion in his country and created the first “Atheist State”. How did he do this? By force of course. He forced the closing of thousands of churches and mosques in Albania and outlawed religion. Atheism was taught in the schools which produced the future Atheists that are present in Albania today.

Although Hitler was said to be Catholic, he was just as anti-religious as the Atheist communists. Hitler said, “The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. National Socialism and religion cannot exist together” which is why he aimed to destroy religion. Religion prevents him from controlling them, so he needed to get rid of it so that they’d accept his flawed beliefs and ways of doing things. His ideology inspired by Darwinism resulted in the deaths of millions in his country, WWII, and the Holocaust. I think the best thing to do is to let stupidity and evil die a “natural” death.

These Atheist leaders have killed, imprisoned, and forced their own people into labor camps for disobeying them. 100 million people are said to have died under communist regime and a number of them were denied basic human rights, so Atheists have been guilty of worse crimes than the religious. And it is apparent that Atheists were far more evil and controlling in the past than Christians! They cannot even honestly say religion has cause more wars/deaths than any other reason because they haven’t counted all the deaths and they haven’t considered the fact that most wars are cause by power & control having nothing to do with religion, so this assumption is impossible. Another weak argument that attempts to make Atheism appear blemish free when it actually just makes Atheism appear to be the result of misinformation.

Getting rid of religion isn’t a solution from what history has shown us and because people like the former Albanian leader made an Atheist state and right after he left the rules were changed as were other countries that were similar. Doesn’t look like the masses would willingly accept Atheism. That’s why it had to be forced on them. The people want a choice so they can choose religion. If religion wasn’t needed, why is it that when their leader dies they go back to practicing religion? Even after the cycle of generations passing down their religion was broken, the practice of religion was sure to start back up again. Even the fact that people thought enough about their religion to pass it on to their children should make non-believers stop and think. Albania went from non-religion in 1960 back up to at least 30% Muslims and Catholics after religion was allowed again in 1991. When you give people a choice its different. The generation in that 20 year time period grew up Atheists but of course when religion came back some of them started converting to Christianity and I expect this trend to continue. So people being religious doesn’t necessarily mean that they were born into it. There are plenty of converts who went from growing up with no religion to accepting religion later on in their adult lives. Also many people believe in God AND the afterlife without belonging to any particular religion at all. They prove that you can be a believer without “indoctrination”. Atheists use this argument to avoid admitting that people naturally seek something more than a random by chance existence. They want to be a part of something with purpose and meaning and religion offers that.


Religion fueled wars, occultism, and historical events are regularly used by Atheists to condemn the religious. Never mind the anger and false assumptions of religion Atheists thrust upon believers just for not thinking like they do, trying to persuade them to believe lies that would come at a huge price. An accurate analysis of the details in each of these situations is all that is necessary to expose the real source of the problem. Starting with cults… cults are different from legit religions and the two shouldn’t be confused. Because most people think logically and cannot be brainwashed so easily, cults typically don’t have very many members. The polygamist cult, FLDS is really the only exception because their religious beliefs encourage them to bare many children leading to their rapidly growing numbers. Cults are responsible for mass suicides, incest, child abuse, disregarding human rights, isolating their members from the outside world and more unspeakable crimes. This is the result of the power and control they have over human beings.

Atheists as well as anti-religion theists don’t seem to know the difference. Giving people free will to believe in what they want, do what they want, and choose for themselves is NOT controlling them, it is giving them freedom. This is what real religions do. This is what these misguided people ignore. Believers are free to attend church or not and are allowed to do exactly the same things non believers do, and even non-believers know this because they point out each and every single thing some believers do “wrong”. So why do they keep saying we are being controlled by some brainwashing messages from believers? Clearly we are making choices like everyone else. Therefore, it is not a cult at all. It is a life changing decision that people choose to make for themselves. Real religions shouldn’t be lumped in the same category as ridiculous cults as they are not the same.

Salem Witch Trials

Using events like the Salem Witch Trials or the crusades to exploit the wrongs of religion in the past may appear to be accepted as a valid argument, but one also must look at other mistakes from our ancestors as well. Just like slavery in the 1800s, performing cruel experiments on patients in institutions and leaving them to rot in cells, mistreatment of native Americans, the holocaust, just to name a few. These are all evils of the past and people have grown a lot since then. These things changed because it is all a past of learning and growing as time goes by. They can attribute it all to religion but plenty of unfortunate events have taken place and most have nothing to do with religion. Evil is not limited to religion. It can be found in every group, race, and part of the world.

In the Salem Witch Trials, the events that took place were just misinterpreted as effects of witchcraft and they took their superstition too far. That is all! You cannot possibly find it logical to blame a whole religion for the mistake of a small town made hundreds of years ago. They didn’t understand the difference between witches and normal people because they weren’t familiar with all the different kinds of ailments in order to properly diagnose the afflicted girls, so they let their superstitions(what little they did know) get the better of them. Most believers are not guilty of such crimes and practice religion in a way that is not harmful to others. Atheists who think the religious are as superstitious as these people need to study the Salem Witch Trials more carefully to learn the difference between what is real and what is superstitious because they don’t appear to know. Atheists holding an old grudge for things that happened 100s of years ago… Doesn’t surprise me… the way they also hold on to the whole slavery argument even though Christians today don’t own slaves.


Recently, they’ve been using Islam to “expose” the “horrors” of religion (as they would put it), but because all other religions are nothing like terrorist Islamists, their argument does nothing but induce laughter among normal thinking people. What do they think people were doing after 9/11? While terrorists where killing people for not following their religion, Christians were coming together sending messages like “God Bless America”. There is just no way to compare the two. No way to compare them to other religions either. Ask them about Buddhism, Judaism, and even Christianity. None of the things they mention compare and most things they mention are many years in the past. It is true that many Muslims in the Middle East slaughter countless people, obsessively try to force their religion on others(ie. Egypt, their latest victim), and violate the rights of women including not allowing them to drive probably so they won’t drive away from the Sharia law to freedom, but what do these things have to do with religion as a whole? Even worse violations of human rights has been going on in countries like North Korea for many years yet they don’t have any religion in their country. Power and control used against nations comes from the greed and evil intentions of man, not religion. Such acts would certainly continue even with the absence of religion. Even if Atheists do use Islam to bash religion, the majority of Muslims are not terrorists and don‘t go around killing people, so that argument won’t work anyways. Its just like saying if there are a group of serial killers that claim to be Christians, we should bash all the real Christians that are nothing like them. Its just silly.

Honestly, it is nothing the religious do wrong to deserve criticism. They just use a few occasions where some people use religion to deceive others/in harmful ways to make religion look like a bad thing, but again, these people only make up a small portion of the religious so that’s exaggerating a bit, isn’t it? Religion is meant to be a good thing and if it is used the right way then it is not harmful at all, which is how it is in most cases. Perhaps this is why they must grasp straws mentioning rare occasions or events of the past to prove a point. Its not like they actually care about the victims of the crusades or the Salem Witch Trials. They just try to use these events to their advantage. Keeping in mind, they bash the religious THEN pretend to care about religious victims. Sound a bit off doesn’t it? Of course. The truth is.. These militant Atheists have a deep hatred for Christians who aren’t extremists(aka Christians that really love God J ), don’t use religion as a tool to deceive others, and are genuinely nice people so obviously these aren’t reasons why they hate religion. They just reject God and want to rid people of hope.



Recently, some Atheists have been incorrectly using the term hypocrite to define Christians as a whole. They should at least be informed that a hypocrite is someone who portrays to be something they are not, being that they consider themselves to be the few smart enough to not be “brainwashed” like they claim the religious to be. Not only have they conveniently redefined the term so that it refers to a believer who isn’t perfect so that it fit’s the description of all believers, but they’ve put the religious on this pedestal, just so they can rip them down and call them hypocrites even when they’ve done no wrong. Everyone knows that one cannot be called a hypocrite unless they clearly display signs that they want people to believe the act they’re putting on. However, many Atheists will call believers hypocrites without knowing how they act or portray themselves to be. They have no idea what ALL Christians do in the privacy of their own home or in their daily lives, so they cannot accurately judge them. Some of them will yell “hypocrite” at someone they’ve never even layed eyes on. From this, it is obvious that they don’t actually know if you’re a hypocrite or not they’re just trying to make it seem like believers are just like non-believers, as if the faith, spirituality, and good works of believers could ever compare to the ways of the ungodly. Their insults are just another way to justify their unjustifiable hatred toward people who have done them no harm.

The bible correctly defines hypocrites by using the scribes as an example. Maybe if Atheists tried using the bible to gain wisdom instead of relying on their own “independent reasoning” they’d actually learn something. (Mark 12:38-40) “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the market places and have the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour windows houses and for pretenses make long prayers.” (Matthew 23:3) “For they preach, but they do not practice.” (Matthew 23:28) “So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” This is a hypocrite angry Atheists, not the definition you made up. Such things about the scribes no one could know unless they’ve met them, which is the same for Christians. If you follow the actual definition of a hypocrite you will see that most Christians do not fit this description. The truth is that most Christians don’t portray themselves to be saints if they are not. Many Christians will claim to believe in God, but that’s about as far as they will go, so if they don’t claim to be “born again” or anything of the sort you cannot call them hypocrites.

Atheists use the crime rate and the “un Christ-like” behavior of the ungodly to show that believers are hypocrites, but these are the people who don’t and would NEVER portray themselves to be saints. All that shows is that NOT following the bible, just as non believers don’t, has harmful consequences which is the point Christians are trying to prove. Such believers are known as “Christians by default” because they were born into the Christian faith but are not yet saved. They are incorrectly placed in a category with the born again Christians, since Atheists don’t seem to know the difference and don’t want to know the difference because then they’d be proven wrong. You cannot put the born again with the default… its like hot and cold… they are complete opposites. When we put born again Christians in the picture who actually practice what they preach, then the hypocrite argument doesn’t stand. It is sad because even the “defaults” use this same argument thinking it will exempt them from judgment, which doesn’t work but it is still funny to watch them try. God judges you based on what YOU did, not what everyone else around you was doing. Even if everyone around you was a hypocrite that doesn’t make it okay for you to do the same wrong things you saw the hypocrites doing.

Another annoying habit Atheists have is mentioning Catholic priests who molest children to defend their hatred toward religion, as if they wouldn’t hate religion if these events had never taken place. Seriously Atheists they make up like what… 1% of the religious population?! If a few people are pedophiles, you cannot blame religion, blame the person. There are a lot more pedophiles out there that aren’t religious, so should we blame non-religion for breeding so many non God fearing pedophiles? Atheists claim they don’t need “a book” to know right from wrong, but without it they molest children just like the people they attack, so I guess they’re ALL liars because of what a FEW of them do. See the deception? It doesn’t make sense.

Because religion is beyond their grasp, they have to bash Christians for what they believe they should be doing, but they are unknowingly basing their beliefs on things that are contrary to scripture. (Genesis 8:21) shows that God knew man were born into sin and would make mistakes, but Christianity teaches that God still loves you and will forgive you. Why do you think God allows us to repent? So judging Christians every time they do something you consider to be wrong is pretty idiotic, especially when you’re guilty of doing the same thing. They’re so busy attacking people who are only exercising their American right to practice religion, they don’t take the time to educate themselves. It is ironic that the Atheists call Christians judgmental while they’re going around wrecking havoc, throwing morals out the window, attacking innocent people for not accepting their flawed beliefs, calling believers hateful names, and wait for them to do something wrong so they can call them hypocrites. It looks like Atheists have taken the judge’s seat, which is why the judging has been all wrong. You cannot say an Atheist doing something wrong is human nature while a believer doing something wrong makes them a hypocrite. Don’t you Atheists claim that you can follow ethics without the bible? Well you aren’t showing that so can we call you hypocrites for wanting to appear good when you aren’t? You are not exempt from morality just because you don’t follow the bible. When you do something wrong, it is counted as a wrong just as it is for believers.

And then they try to use religion AGAINST believers saying that we aren’t allowed to judge them! I think they need to read the bible again because they missed something. (1 Corinthians 6:2) “Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?” (1 Timothy 5:20) “Those who are to sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.” (1 Corinthians 2:15-16) “The spiritual(/righteous) man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any (non spiritually discerning natural)man’s judgment: ‘For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?’” How can one know what they are doing wrong if you are not allowed to tell them AND how is it that the ungodly can judge the righteous? Doesn’t make sense does it? It is because it is lies from those who do not know scripture or common sense.

The Good of Religion

Why ignore all the good religion has done in this world? The good deeds of the religious are countless and plentiful. Without such works, many would suffer.

Atheists have accused religion of being a scam that takes money from honest people, but according to the real facts, it appears as if the religious have been doing nothing but GIVING. The Adventist Health Care system is the largest not-for-profit Protestant health care organization in the U.S. It helps 4million+ people worldwide. Other hospitals established by the religious have helped many people with various illnesses worldwide as well. Why ignore this for a silly false argument? Is the death of religion really worth the lives of millions? Many churches give food to the needy and provide them with clothes and other necessities. They even travel to countries around the world giving them free health care/dental along with food and clothing. They use their own funds to do this AND request funds from believers to help and they do help. Take away religion and take the clothes of the backs of the needy and taking food away from the hungry. How selfish could one be? Its not like your Atheists beliefs are going to compel you to do anything other than help yourselves, so why take away the belief system that actually influences people to make the world a better place? I was amazed when I found out a member in my church service won a free car from a church leader. Would she have gotten this blessing if there was no religion and she was an Atheist?

Churches have also helped raise millions for disaster victims. A Baptist church raised $1 million for Katrina victims. ( A United Methodist church raised $7 million for Katrina victims. ( They have also helped Japan financially with their disaster relief. (¬oc=1) Its funny that non believers can ignore these obvious facts that are on the internet, news… everywhere! Churches have shown the love of God through their good works and Atheists ignore it just so they can have a world with no morality and no mention of “God” the holy name they hate so much. How selfish.. What about all the people who will suffer because of this idiotic decision? I sure am glad I’m in a country that allows people to choose because that is ridiculous.

(1 Timothy 6:3-5) “If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means of financial gain.”

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The Legitimacy of the Bible Pt.6

The Truth about the Bible

          Atheists try to act like they know the bible, quoting things that are FAR beyond their comprehension. They often read one small verse and think they know everything. If they actually took the time to read the bible in depth, not just one/two verses or quote things they’ve heard from someone else, they’d know there is a lot more to it than what a few verses can say. Why do they think the bible is so long?! Actually reading the bible and attending sermons is how a person gains understanding of the text, and by doing neither of these things while going on and on about the flaws of believers, Atheists show their lack of education on the subject, even the ones that claim to be former believers! They know so little I have to wonder, do they even know what they left? Non-believers are known for showing their ignorance of religious text; living on the outside thinking they know enough about religion to comment on whats going on on the inside, carefully picking out only the scriptures that support their disapproval of religion, and not being able to accurately interpret even the most simple scriptures. All the scriptures COMBINED enhance one’s understanding of scripture, thus, improving your understanding of God. By only reading a small part of the bible, they’re basically saying they can have small talk with someone and assume they know everything about them when they hardly said a word. This would lead to many misunderstandings about a person as would having similar limited knowledge on the bible. The more you converse, the more you know about a person, just like the more you read the more you understand scripture. Simple right? Not for all.

           They claim the bible doesn’t make sense to them, yet they still insist on poorly explaining “inconsistencies” in the bible, as they see it. How can you note inconsistencies, if you do not understand what you are interpreting??? These false interpretations are always closed-minded, forceful, and uneducated. No where near the meaningful interpretations given by bible reading believers and church leaders. Even after experienced bible readers point out their flaws they refuse to see the truth and result to childish insults. Wouldn’t it just be easier to open your mind? (1 Corinthians 2:14) “The man without the spirit does not accept the things that come from the spirit of God for they are foolish to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

          Also, those who read the bible know that there could be a small verse about a particular subject in one section of the bible and a full explanation of the verse in a completely different section. Unknowledgeable people give themselves away by only conversing on a small excerpt completely leaving out the details of the full meaning located in another part of the bible. Often times these descriptive texts in another section debunk their claims of the subject. So they’re left with their limited understanding of a text they so desperately insist on debating on. You cannot convince someone their faith is false by showing them you don’t really know enough about their faith to show it’s flaws in the first place. Knowledgeable believers read much more scripture and attend church sermons, so they know God on a deeper level and are able to gain understanding from the holy spirit. How do non-believers expect to compete with that? Trying to make people with a lot more understanding about their faith turn against it with 1 or 2 poorly interpreted scriptures won’t work. It has nothing to do with brainwashing, but it has everything to do with your own lack of understanding. (2 Peter 2:12) “But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction.”

          I will use God’s laws pertaining to divorce as an example of how those who don’t read the whole text are missing a lot of key instructions. For example, some Atheists have said that Christianity doesn’t permit divorce which of course is false, probably based off something they’ve heard somewhere, purposely avoiding the many scriptures that prove them wrong. (Romans 7:2) “For a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives, but if her husband dies she is released from the law of marriage.” and (1 Timothy 5:14) says “So I counsel younger widows to remarry…” Therefore, widows are free to remarry and it isn’t a bad thing as some Atheists make it seem. In another scripture Jesus says in (Matthew 19:9) “Whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.” And there are some stories in the bible about some people divorcing so that they could do the will of God. So there are exceptions to divorce and (1 Corinthians 7:15) shows that if an unbeliever divorces a believer, the believer is free to remarry and the faithful spouse that divorced because of infidelity can also remarry. Therefore, the bible clearly permits divorce AND remarriage, you just have to READ to know it. As you can see from the scriptures I’ve posted, the laws concerning this particular subject are scattered throughout the bible, so you’d have to read more than one or two verses to get the full message about it. A common error among bible bashing Atheists is showing only a tiny part of a message to make the bible look bad, but in doing this they’re only making themselves look bad. (Matthew 22:29) “Jesus replied, ‘You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.’”

           Sadly, Atheists will continue to make HUGE errors when bashing Christianity INCLUDING confusing Judaism with Christianity, ridiculing Christians for not following laws of Judaism that they THINK are actually laws of Christianity! Please people, EDUCATE yourselves before speaking! Christians follow the NEW TESTAMENT because of their belief that after Jesus died a NEW covenant was made, making the OLD testament laws a thing of the past. The old testament is still used as a guide to better understand God and to learn his will, but the new testament is what Christians follow. Please stop hovering the old testament over the heads of Christians. (

           Furthermore, it is also ridiculous for Atheists to try to use our beliefs to turn us against them because they don’t even believe in the scriptures they’re telling us about. They’re so closed-minded to all things religious, they’ve already convinced themselves the bible is false even before they’ve read it. Do they even know what they’re claiming to be false? Why would anyone listen to someone’s closed-minded assumptions about something they aren’t educated about? There is no truth or intelligence in anything they say. They are in disbelief without cause and try to sway believers without any sound judgment to persuade them with. If they passages, you’ve cherry picked are as ridiculous as you’ve portrayed them to be, then why can’t you persuade believers to accept your “voice of reason”? Because we’re brainwashed? That is a lame excuse for not wanting to accept the fact that you aren’t as logical as you think you are. Bible readers are WAY ahead of those who only want to make a mockery of their religion. Wisdom from the bible will always surpass that of a mocker. (Proverbs 13:15) “Good understanding wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful is hard.”

Archaeology is proof of the Stories in Bible!

(1 Timothy 4:7) “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales: rather, train yourself to be godly.”

          Surely, believers have heard Atheists claiming that the bible is just a book of fairytales or Greek mythology. There are a few problems with these claims. The first being that we believe in the bible yet we don’t believe in the tooth fairy or unicorns, so its obvious we aren’t so naive that we’d believe in ANYTHING! Another problem is that they denounce the bible’s stories without actually KNOWING if it is false or not. Archaeologists’ findings have in fact proven that the bible stories are actually a part of history. 1961 Archeologists discovered a block of limestone with a carved inscription attributed to Pontius Pilate, in Caesarea, Israel dating back as far as 26-37AD.The findings are proof that Pontius Pilate, the person in the bible who was said to have authorized the crucifixion of Jesus did in fact exist. He was a prefect of the Roman province of Judasa, just as the writings on the limestone says, which means he would have had the authority to have Jesus executed thus the people of Israel would have gone to him if they wanted to punish Jesus, AS THEY DID. Jesus was executed between 29AD-36AD, within the time Pilate was in power. The timelines are clearly consistent with the events and people alive at that time. This discovery is just one of the many pieces of physical evidence that the bible stories are actual events from the past. Its on display in the Israel Museum if anyone would like a dose of reality, but of course some would be silly enough to deny it and invent some ridiculous lie claiming it was made up, which they cannot prove. But there is much more proof.

             Archaeologists have found more amazing discoveries in fossils. They’ve found an Ichthyosaur(dinosaur) fossilized while giving birth as well as a fish fossilized while eating another fish. ( Do evolutionists think these animals froze in those positions for MILLIONS of years slowly being fossilized? Common sense should tell them that these animals were fossilized quickly in the Genesis flood.

            Just recently, archaeologists have discovered signs of destruction of the city of Gath. You know… that city in the bible that Atheists say doesn’t exist, that the Book of Kings mentions is damaged from the wars started by the Aramean King Hazael. They found this site along with shards with names similar to Goliath proving that the names in the bible of the Gath are accurate.

             They also found Joshua’s Alter on Mt. Ebal, Israel in 1980, cities mentioned in Genesis, dead sea scrolls in 1947, pool of Siloam in the City of David. ( In 1896, a monument of military victories was found in an Egyptian Temple that dates around 1207 B.C. It shows that Israel was inhabited by Palestines at the time and there were battles as the bible mentions in Judges. (

           The most surprising evidence I have found is the proof that Sodom & Gomorrah WAS destroyed by God(his angels) with burning sulfur just as the bible confirms. Archaeologists found the balls of sulfur, areas that the sulfur destroyed, charred bodies, and even skeletons turned to ash as the bible mentions happened to Lot’s wife. A lot of other proof is found on the following sites. ( ( ( (

With findings such as these I have to wonder…where do Atheists get their information about Greek mythology and why are there still non believers?

Actual Historical events = Myths?

           Most of the evidence that proves the bible is not just a book of myths can be found in everyday life. All one has to do is look around and see that whatever the bible says will happen has happened or WILL happen in the future. (Luke 21:16) says that wars, revolutions, nations rising against nations, great earthquakes, famines, plagues are all signs that the end is near. Hasn’t all these things occurred? Are these also myths?

           The bible story of Nineveh’s destruction in the book of Nahum is even identical to Hitler’s reign of terror in Europe, as well as MANY other massacres in our history! In Nineveh, the nobles in power were unruly and corrupt. They authorized their soldiers to slaughter many innocent people, so many that Nineveh was known as “the city of blood.” They lied about having just cause for murder. They had also used witchcraft to trick people and to seduce them into submission. In Europe, Hitler also had his fair share of blood shed allowing Nazi forces to murder millions of innocent people. Both leaders were pure evil and corrupted their people. Hitler used totalitarianism to corrupt his nation and spread propaganda to convince people that exterminating people of different races, religions, political views, disabilities, and any other ridiculous reason was just cause to murder because he claimed he was “purifying” the world. Both were destroyed for their evil ways; Ninevah by God and Hitler by the Soviet Union. Why would events in the bible such as the book of Nahum be regarded as a fairytale? It’s just as real as our current history! If this event was placed in our history books and not in the bible, I believe without a doubt that Atheists would accept it, but because God was in the picture it was immediately rejected. Most of the wars and events in the bible are not actually unbelievable at all, so I have to wonder what cause someone would have to reject them.

The Bible contains “borrowed” info

            Those who are familiar with a few of the most common bible stories have said the bible as well as other religions all have borrowed info. This claim about the holy scripture is just more unsubstantiated allegations. And really what difference would it make? If we all borrowed our information then our text should be identical, which would make our beliefs alike. If this is the case then why would Atheists keep using the same old “so many religions… you can’t all be right” argument? We CAN all be right in a way, if all our info comes from the same source AS YOU CLAIM! Then from this they conclude that we can ALL be wrong, but how does having different beliefs make us ALL wrong? That is like saying since Atheists have different beliefs about origins they must all be wrong, simply basing my opinion from my personal beliefs rather than on real evidence. If one religion is in any way similar to another, they claim one must have borrowed info from another. It is all based off assumptions that conveniently only apply to religion. When text books of various subjects share the same info it is confirmed to be factual, but when it is religion it is shunned and accused of being borrowed. Have they ever thought about why very different religions share identical beliefs? If one looks at the types of beliefs that are similar, they will see that we are in agreement because these particular beliefs make sense. Similar beliefs in a higher power, creationism, the path to righteousness, and the flood story all make sense to people and their beliefs have brought positive results in their lives, so it is just that we all just share the same logic, but we have different perspectives of things.

          Only one thing they can say would be so identical that it could have been borrowed is The Flood Story. The flood story in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are all alike! The only difference is the names of the people in the events and a few slight differences in how the flood occurred, but the rest is all the same. Atheists will say this means it was borrowed, but that is only because they will never accept the possibility of it being true! What if we all share the same flood story because these are just different people having different perspectives after witnessing/hearing about the same event? Since they won’t believe in the people in Christianity’s bible, they changed the characters of the story so that it fits their beliefs in Gods/other living people of that particular time period. This is definitely a possibility.

  • Similarities to Hinduism

             In Hinduism, they teach “purity in thought, word and deed (Thrikarana Suddhi)”, which is also what Christianity teaches. ( (Proverbs 15:26 Pure Thoughts)(Isaiah 8:20 Speech)(1 Timothy 6:18 Good Deeds) These are identical things with different perspectives. Why? Because these are obviously good virtues to live by. Some may say the bible copied from such pagans but the bible says otherwise. The bible shows from the pagans worshipping the idol, the golden calf that paganism was around the same time as Judaism NOT before, but the creation of the ten commandment laws that God gave to Moses as well as the establishment of the other laws following this came AFTER paganism. As the bible mentions when Moses was on Mount Zion. This may lead one to believe that paganism came first, but I don’t believe there was any particular “religion” labeled as Judaism or Christianity at the time. It was just followed as monotheism. This does not mean it didn’t exist, it just wasn’t given a name or identified as a religion as today since many different religions didn‘t come about until much later. It also was originally passed down orally so one cannot say someone just made up religion one day unless they were there thousands of years ago, listening to the stories people passed down. Once again, you’d have to be psychic to disprove this, which atheist are not. But the worshipping of one God and doing his will began from the time man were created. Do they think Adam and Eve were known as Jews or Christians in the Garden of Eden? They were just known as theists.

            Also if paganism was the first religion created in 10,000BC long before any other religion, why is it that in all those years it hadn’t spread nearly as much as monotheism? Abrahamic religions are said to have not arrived until somewhere between 2,000BC-1,800BC yet most people today are monotheists even though monotheism had less time to spread. If people began as pagans most likely other people would’ve been influenced to become pagans and they would raise their children pagans, producing a vast majority of pagans for years to come, but this is not the case. A good explanation for this is that the flood must have occurred. A flood wiping out the existence of all including pagans in 3,000 BC in addition to the separate occasions where God destroyed pagans for their idol worshipping explains WHY their religion didn’t spread as much as it could have. Then after the flood Abrahamic religions were established, making the existence of prophets necessary because there had to be people who went around spreading the word of God to increase followers just as we see them doing this today! Many starting as polytheist and ending as monotheist doesn’t really make much sense unless there was a major factor that crippled the growth of paganism.

Similarities in Abrahamic religions

           The idea of restitution such as the eye for an eye law in Leviticus 24:20 in the bible/torah is also in the Quran, along with beliefs in modesty, sexual immorality, and most other laws regarding the morality of man. Christians, Jews, and Muslims also have one day of the week/Sabbath to rest and remember God’s creation of the world. Plus the way to salvation, as Christians call it, is not all that different between these religions as they all require a strict obedience to the laws of God, and the majority of these laws are the same(of course with the exception of rules or rituals pertaining only to the followers in their particular religion; not always about morality). Even beliefs in Confucianism that exclude God including filial piety(respect for elders and honoring parents) is part of the bible(Ephesians 6:1-2). Since these religions are so identical, can Atheists stop saying they are ‘so different’ then turn around and say ‘they are so alike they’re borrowing from each other’ just so they can have an argument against religion? Stop proving yourselves to be wrong in every way about religions you clearly have not looked into and listen to your own arguments. These arguments are self incriminating.

The bible is manmade?

            Here is another pretty silly claim that non-believers and believers alike make… “The bible is manmade.” So? If the structures of a building are manmade, is it not fit to inhabit? If the stories in a children’s book are manmade, are they not suitable to read to children? If a blanket was manmade, would it not be fit to provide warmth? There seem to be MANY MAN MADE things they enjoy AND trust, yet they label the bible manmade and they expect us to believe that would make it unreliable. If fact ALL the information they have gotten from books were MANMADE, yet they still trust those school books and almost everything else published to be factual, yet when it comes to religious texts they immediately reject it for being manmade. Evolution is also proven to be manmade, yet they seem to flock toward those theories without hesitation. If man made things are unreliable then lets not use anything manmade…books or other materials and see how far we get. When you think about it… you’ll see how ignorant this claim is. Accepting one manmade thing yet rejecting another after assuming something manmade must be unreliable proves that your argument is flawed, especially when you STILL cannot prove that a man thousands of years ago sat down one day and decided to make up a bunch of stories to CONTROL people. It sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous and is based on no evidence whatsoever.

Religious texts ARE beneficial

            So many sad people don’t want anyone to learn from the bible, but are okay with them learning from books on evolution, when the scriptures are what you NEED to know for your salvation; evolution you can most certainly live without. They think it is NOT okay to follow morality in the bible, but it IS okay to make them up according to what you feel like doing, which has proven to be unsuccessful. This is craziness. The bible has always been a positive thing to people personally and to society as a whole. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” This is exactly what it does if it is actually applied to one’s life in full. Atheists usually point their attention to those who DON’T follow the bible to show that it isn’t useful and say that religion is nonsense, but how does NOT following the bible show that following the bible/religion is not beneficial? Its just like saying, “Look at the atheists! This is what happens when you follow religion!” That makes no sense at all and such ignorance should be corrected immediately before it starts to effect people.

            The bible has solutions and explanations for many of people’s problems in life and can help them get through tough situations. Why do they think so many people flock toward churches after natural disasters or economic problems? Its not just for the heck of it, its because they realize NOT going to religion gets them nowhere. This is true for the church in Australia (, churches in Japan after the tsunami/earthquake, other churches ( many evangelical churches. “John Green, a senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life states that ‘real spikes in attendance have occurred only in times of national disaster, such as September 11th 2001, or the Cuban missile crisis.’” (

            Religious texts can also provide more sound advice than many people you may meet… as painful as it is for me to admit that. The truth of the word of God makes “advice” and words from non-believers useless and unhelpful. They will claim that there are better alternatives to reaching out to God, but the number of suicides prove otherwise. Such alternatives make people feel hopeless, lost, and confused after realizing their options are greatly limited to the capabilities of man. They need a higher power to help them through life because there is only so much man can do alone. People should know whats what from what gives them results. Doing what the bible says brings you positive results. Doing what the heathens say leads you down a path of destruction. So apparently following the bible is the result of following what works, not ridiculous “brainwashing”. Is it not unrealistic enough that 21st century atheists have no problem telling people that events in a time period they’ve never stepped foot in never happened yet they never seem to have proof to back up their claims? (Proverbs 12: 5) “The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.”

The Bible on Slavery

           The bible has so much information on its views on slavery that there is no excuse for Atheists to spread lies about it! Using one or two scriptures just won’t do. You need to analyze major parts of the text to actually gain a full understanding of it and as Atheists have shown they are not analytical people. I cannot count how many times I’ve witnessed them trying to trick people into thinking that the bible permitted slavery as we know it today. However, those who read the bible don’t fall for their tricks. Unfortunately, so many people are too lazy to study this subject for themselves, they just go on believing whatever other non bible readers tell them. If they read for themselves, they see how Atheists carefully picking out certain verses that they can use to make the bible look bad, purposely leaving out the many scriptures that show the error in their views about slavery in the bible, mainly because they never read the many other scriptures pertaining to the subject. I will reveal many of the scriptures Atheists have left out to show you that slavery in the bible that was permitted was NOT like the forced slavery of the 16th century and people can read these scriptures for themselves to see who is right… the bible or Atheists…

  • Slavery God condemns
    The first key scripture to pay attention to is (Exodus 21:6) “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and is found in possession of him, shall be put to death.” Man being STOLEN against their will, which the bible clearly condemns, is what happened to African Americans as well as other races who were taken from their land and sold into slavery. Although God instructs those who practice this form of slavery to be put to death, Atheists go around telling people the bible condones it! The book of Exodus also shows that it condemned the slavery of Hebrews and that God took them out of Egypt so that they could be free from bondage AND destroyed the men who held them captive! Such a well know story yet Atheist have so many lies up their sleeves they can make one forget it like it never happened to turn their attention toward their cherry picked verses.

            With all the scriptures against slavery, one would wonder why there are other verses that permit slavery. The slavery that God permitted in the bible was not the slavery we know today. People in those days sold themselves into slavery when they were in poverty or in order to pay off debts. Some slaves were prisoners of war or were enslaved as punishment for a crime. Is this the same as having English settlers coming to your land unannounced and taking you and your family on a boat to an unknown land to make you do hard labor for free, while getting beaten severely? (Nehemiah 5:5) “yet we are forcing our sons and daughters to be slaves, but it is not in our power to help it, for other men have our fields and our vineyards.” The nobles took their possessions and left their people with nothing so they had to sacrifice what little they had left to survive. Slavery for these people was a means for survival, not the result of barbaric slave traders. Two different things!

  •  Rules for owning slaves
    (Exodus 21:7-9) shows that slavery was permitted, BUT there were rules to follow regarding the treatment of slaves and the slavery of their time was different from the most recent version of slavery where slave owners were permitted to treat slaves however they wanted. Atheists fail to mention that this fact would change the way people look at “slavery” in the bible completely. In those days, slaves were supposed to be treated more like unpaid servants, NOT like animals as Atheists would have you believe. I’ve seen Atheists that post the scripture that says a father could sell his daughter into slavery for the sole purpose of turning people against the bible, but the verse immediately after it says, “she shall NOT go out as the male slaves do”. It also says they cannot be treated harshly, can gain their freedom easier, and in some cases must be treated as a daughter. And if the daughter’s parents were in poverty, as many at the time were, slavery would be her only way to get food and shelter! Are they saying the girl should just starve instead? Other rules show that the 18th century slavery was not permitted. (Leviticus 19:20) says “A man who has sex with his female slave should be put to death.” We know this way going on in the past but God didn’t permit it and the men weren’t punished at all for it. There was a lot of misuse of power of slaves in the past and the bible is against this. (Colossians 4:1) says “Masters treat your slaves justly and fairly.” Slaves must obey their masters but they must also do the will of God and the masters must do the will of God as well. (Ephesians 6:8) “Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him.” Slave catchers are also not doing the will of God because (Deuteronomy 23:15-16) says “If a slave has taken refuge with you, do not hand him over to his master. Let him live among you wherever he likes and in whatever town he chooses. Do not oppress him.” Why would God want people to be kind to slaves if he was as much of a evil slavery advocate as Atheists claim? Obviously, he is a kind just God who also understands that slaves(just as the African slaves in the U.S) ran away because of the mistreatment they had received from their masters and wants people to help them escape that life. In another passage, (2 Chronicles 28:8-11) The men of Israel took people captive and wanted to enslave them which compelled a prophet to warn them that God would release his wrath upon them for their actions. After considering the consequences of their actions, they changed their minds. Why would God punish these men for holding people captive and wanting to make them slaves if he thought it was okay? (1 Timothy 1:8-10) shows us that people who take men captive to sell them into slavery are doing something that is contrary to the will of God. So many other scriptures as I have shown you reinforce this message, but anyone can be tricked into believing Satan’s lies told through atheists if they are not careful to study the word of God for themselves. Heathens will do anything in their power to get believers on their side including blasphemy the word of God.
  •                                                An Atheist that doesn’t know scripture
                 In the show “The Atheist Experience” this Atheist, Matt Dillahunty claims to have been a former Christian for years and also claims to know the bible. ( He says many Christians have called in on the show trying to explain to him that the Christianity back then wasn’t the same as it was in the 1800s, but then he scoffed at their claims and said “yea I know, they beat them with rods”. I really want people to pay attention to this silly remark he made because this wouldn’t come from someone who knows the scripture. As Atheists often do, they make it seem like disobedience is no big deal and shouldn’t be taken seriously. As if slaves would listen if they knew there was no punishment. Same goes for many children and those who break the law. God ONLY instructs people to punish those who do something wrong. He does not instruct people to strike others needlessly and if they do the bible clearly shows us those people are punished SEVERELY! Now there is the scripture of (Isaiah 10:24-25) when God says he will punish those that beat men with rods! It is clear as day yet this Atheist is on television saying that God condones it! Do not be confused! The Christians were trying to tell him that the slavery that the bible condones is not the slavery that was condoned in most recent years, but he blocked them out so he didn‘t receive any understanding on the subject. Yes the bible mentions harsh slavery where slaves were mistreated, but it only permits slavery under the rules God has put in place. As we all know, the slavery back then, completely disregarded the laws of God and Christians were the ones that helped to end that kind of slavery. Just because the bible mentions something doesn’t mean it condones it. Also he says that another law in the bible is unreasonable, but once again, he lacks understanding on the laws of God as well as the history of slavery of that time. If he understood the history, he would understand why that particular laws was put in place. The rule punishes a slave owner only if there was an intent to kill, if there was harm to the slave, due to punishment, but no intent to kill the slave then the slave owner was correcting him. If he gets up after his punishment then, there is clearly no intent to kill. And it notes that the slave is his property or in other words, they are his money, so if the slave dies the owner looses money, which is how he makes a living. He needs his slave for survival. But even if a slave owner of the 18th century does decide to strike his slave, God condemns him already because he STOLE A MAN and engaged in SLAVE TRADE, so he is already going to face harsh judgment from God although this man is teaching people that they will get away with it.

            Atheists like this man have trouble listening to anything that is of the holy spirit because he has rejected it for Satan’s lies. If he doesn’t know simple scriptures such as these and rejects those that prove him wrong, what other lies about the bible has he been telling people? How many people have been tricked by believing him over the honest word of God? The key is to read it, without cherry picking verses because if you try to listen to the lies of Atheists and their cherry picked verses AND listen to the word of God and the verses I have provided, the bible won’t make sense. Another reason why the bible doesn’t make sense to believers. They make things up that are contrary to scripture. So If you see all the verses where God tells man to love one another and other verses where God punishes man severely for wrongdoings it doesn’t make sense. But if you accept the bible’s reasoning that God is LOVING, but also JUST in punishing wrongdoing over Atheists’ reasoning that God is not good(based solely on the verses they‘ve cherrypicked) you gain a whole world of understanding and the word of God makes sense. If a parent punishes their child does that mean that they do not love them? This means they love their children and want them to do well. It is if they don’t punish their children and let them get away with their wrongs that shows they do not care, so do not let harsh punishment from God confuse you. God loves you and wants you to do well. Atheists, the great deceivers, do not know God, thus do not know such a love, which is why the word of God is confusing to them.

Old Testament laws shunned but Why?

              Their way of thinking has lead to many more unspeakable acts from man. Lighter sentences for criminals has not helped them, it has hurt them as well as society. 56% of criminals are repeat offenders( Meaning… those that are out raping, killing, stealing from the law abiding citizens are put back out on the streets to do what they do best, screw society in! Oh but wait, Atheists say that it is too harsh to stone as people did in the past in the bible. They say it is “barbaric”! I guess when the repeat pedophile is released and fondles another innocent child we should just wait for the system to do its job because it is too barbaric to give them the punishment they deserve! As if what they are doing is NOT barbaric! We can’t stone them, but we can release them to repeat the same crime again and resume a normal life after they ruined the lives of the children they’ve abused. We can use people’s tax dollars to ensure the health, safety, and care of these individuals, oh but we cannot punish them severely… because Atheists say that is too harsh. Why don’t we just give them their beds to sleep in while we’re at it? Our reward for the wisdom of Atheists is many more people being victimized. This is what happens when you’re nice to the wrong people. You get stabbed in the back. If you treat them well, they won’t make an effort to do the right thing. Second chances for some inmates are good, but not all of them deserve it. Didn’t these people learn from the three-strikes law. Not only did it not deter criminals from committing crimes but the fact that they gave criminals THREE chances to turn around says it all. Obviously, they cannot help themselves. They don’t always learn after the first time, why give them another chance to screw up?

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Social, Economic, Spiritual Battles in Teens and Adults Pt.5

Rule Changes in the New World

          Living in world where the hurt and suffering never seems to end is one of the most upsetting things I’ve had to deal with. I would think EVERYONE would agree, but the reality is that there are many who are simply unconcerned and can actually go through life not worrying about the struggles of those around them. I feel that some of the anti-religious who are against absolute morality as it is defined in the bible are such people. How can they see all the ignorance, carelessness, and destruction in the world and say with confidence, “I have not sinned because there is no such thing as sin and there is no need to fear the wrath of God?” The main reason why religion is so important is because sin or any immorality is so rampant! And why is that? A lot of it is because people don’t care about the warnings against sin and don’t fear God.

So I’m dumbfounded when Atheists say the religious are out of touch with reality. We are more in touch with reality than one can be. Why do they think the cause & effects of the evils of the world are so plain to us? The word of God opens your eyes to reality so that you may see their ungodly ways for what they truly are. The ones who ignore all the chaos, downplay it, and contribute to it are the ones who are in need of a reality check. The amount of damage to society sin has caused that Atheists have to ignore in order to deny the need for religion is sickening. Just the thought of someone being foolish enough to deny the reality of the high crime rate, even with the overcrowded prisons, victims of identify theft, investment scams, sex offenders, psychopath serial killers, and everything else that has gone wrong in this world that would be suppressed if more people followed religion is really upsetting. (1 John 1:8) “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 5:17) “All wrongdoing is sin….”

Religion looses power in the law

Decades ago, pre-marital sex was frowned upon by a civil American society. In the 60s, those who wanted to use contraceptives had to have the Supreme Court change the law in their favor, now we have clinics that offer birth control to teens who clearly are NOT ready for sex. People did have complains about the old law preventing unmarried couples from receiving birth control because many people are going to have premarital sex, but this law was made for a reason. It was established to prevent sexual immorality, encourage family planning, and improve the overall welfare of society. Now that we have allowed others to have their way, we opened the door to a NEW set of problems that are much more costly and much more damaging to society. The well sought after “separation of church & state” that the public has been promoting has lead to many of the social, economic, and emotional problems we suffer from today. (
Today, rather than encouraging only spouses to use contraceptives and engage in sexual intercourse, all short-term, long-term, or casual couples are also welcomed to the same idea. Now that the beliefs in sexual immorality have been disregarded, the promotion of contraceptives just isn’t enough to control the rate of constantly increasing STDs, unwanted pregnancies, string of failed relationships, and regrets from the aftermath. There was a steady increase in wedlock births from 5-16% in the 60s to 68% now, which has led to financial instability in some singles and couples in a time where the cost of living is rising. The good news is that the importance of values has not been completely sucked out of mankind. Many countries all over the world are taught to be decent respectable human beings. As for countries that have slipped out of God’s favor, people are taught that it is OK to rebel against God’s law and now if someone admits to being a virgin, shock and disbelief is among transgressors. But why? (Matthew 5:19) “Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.”

          The growth of non-conformity that encouraged people to be individuals that was once a positive attribute to society has now become a burden since anti-religion is now one of it’s attributes. Now that so many have gone this route it has become a social norm in many areas, I don’t know if it can be called “non” conformity anymore. Recent generations have grown accustomed to changing the rules about right and wrong according to what they feel like doing. The damaging effects of people doing whatever they feel like doing should be enough to teach people NOT to base morality off of unreliable things, especially things that change as much as people change underwear, like subjective feelings or human nature. Atheists argue that people shouldn’t rely on “a book” for teachings of morality, but the events after the 60s has taught us what happens when we choose to abandon “that book”. We’ve witnessed people creating their own rules/ethics by cherry picking the ones that are most convenient for them and have seen this eventually result in them engaging in immoral acts that they attempt to JUSTIFY with their newfound ideas of morality. Wrongs that are not in the law books are seen to have no serious consequences and there is nothing stopping the person from editing their own rules at any time. When this happens, what would prevent a person from making the line between good and evil thinner and thinner now that you’ve thrown out the purpose and consequences of disobedience found in religion? NOTHING! This is why the world is the way it is today. This way of thinking also prevents reasoning and increases never ending debates on morality. Morality has to be ABSOLUTE(unchanging/unmovable) and come from a higher power with superior intelligence and reasoning. (1 Timothy 4:1-2) “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars.”

The Reality of Morality

With religion, true believers know that it is important to follow God’s commandments. They know they’re fighting for a greater cause. Fighting to keep mankind out of Satan’s grip so that man can reach salvation and have everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven. Without an effort made towards that purpose man are easily led astray. Mockers of religion criticize believers for following teachings from the bible that they say are “archaic” and of the “bronze age”. So I guess after so many years “thou shall not kill, steal, commit adultery, etc.” has gotten OUTDATED and those who have killed your relative, stolen items from your home, or slept with your significant others shouldn’t have any consequences for their actions? Morality doesn’t change. Fashion, architecture, and real estate change with time, NOT morality! Just because the times have changed doesn’t mean people can start making up new rules. Therefore, rather than lack of change being a hinderance to the bible; it’s the beauty of it. This way people aren’t tricked into thinking something that was wrong one minute is right the next.

Casual Relationships Redefined as Committed Relationships

The increasing acceptance of such rule changes is why people started creating this nonsense about “no sex on the first day” or that premarital sex is ok “as long as it is only with you‘re boyfriend/girlfriend.” What I want to know is what difference does it make if it is the first, second, or third night? Being bf/gf just means you’re a female and a male that are friends. In this situation I’ve always believed that there was no commitment and you aren’t bound by any laws to stay together. If you are free to leave at any time, there is clearly no strings attached, especially if you take into account how many boyfriends/girlfriends people have these days that just come and go. Since man make the rules including those concerning how one can become boyfriend and girlfriend, an actual relationship can mean whatever they want it to mean as there are a number of types of relationships now (just watch the show Cheaters).

This flawed thinking is what happened to one young girl who told her story on a talk show. She was obviously tricked into thinking sex was OK by (what I would consider)random guys whom she considered to be her boyfriends based off the flawed interpretation of a committed relationships that is shown in public and on T.V. She explained how guys from 18yrs to early 20s had had sex with her when she was only 15! I guess she didn’t realize there is only one thing guys this age would want from a young teen. Afterwards, she noted, “But they all[sex partners] were my boyfriends though.” The talk show host replied, “so you think that makes it ok because they were your boyfriends?” She nodded her head yes. She is obviously misguided and confused, which led her to be used by manipulative guys just looking for sex, but she is only following the new set of rules man has set in place so this young girl cannot really be blamed for it! MANY adult women have and will continue to fall for this trick as it has led to unwanted pregnancies or unintended abortions. The ill effects usually fall mainly on the women.

The point is that the length of time a person has been with another, changing the word/meaning of a particular “relationship” to make it sound better, or anything else man can think of that is contrary to absolute morality, has no effect on the condemnation God has placed on fornication. The bible clearly refers to fornicators as whores(women who fornicate) and whoremongers(men who fornicate with these women). I believe this is one of the reasons why women are growing increasingly tired of being called whores when it seems sexist and unfair. People have no authority to alter the REAL laws of morality God has established for them. Only God’s perfect unchanging laws can be trusted as a guide for mankind. Man’s sense of right and wrong that is against the bible’s teachings is flawed. (Proverbs 14:12) “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Psalm 19:7) “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.”

Denial of wrongdoings

In addition to the rule changes, many teens and adults will encourage their peers to have sex as early as possible. Do they think they will run out of time to have sex? They also contradict themselves when they give themselves labels like “sluts, bad boys/bad girls, players”. Why are such negative labels given to those who do what they consider to be a positive thing? Man knew right from wrong after they ate from the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden, so being in denial just to avoid guilt trips is only making offenders look worse.

Promoting abstinence is NOT the problem

Abstinence is ultimately the only way to avoid the consequences of fornication, although those against abstinence programs have thrown in the towel and claimed that teaching abstinence is ineffective, failing to realize that giving up and teaching sex education hasn’t helped the problem either. Teens in many other countries around the world wait for sex; in some countries premarital sex is rare(probably due to a collectively strict society, but still), so it is definitely possible. It’s sad to see so many adults who make such claims not have the intellect to see the heart of the problem goes deeper than abstinence programs. Abstinence DOES work, but it will take a lot more than a simple class to make teens change their behavior. Teens are easily influenced by what goes on around them, so if people/the media put ideas about sex in their faces everyday of course they are going to rebel! You can’t glorify premarital sex on practically every T.V. show, movie, song there is and expect them to follow the few religious people they meet who are against it.

Some people have recognized the issue and have tried to regulate inappropriate content on the T.V., yet groups for family values are often ignored, have limited power over the situation, and are accused forcing their beliefs on others.
Then, people want to blame the parents for their outcome…typical. Parents can’t censor EVERYTHING! Kids today are resilient and will find other ways to watch what is only blocked in their household. Also, if you decide to block things you will find that the vast majority of T.V. shows and movies have SOME sexual content in them, so it will be hard to block them ALL! Blocking certain content on the internet isn’t as hard with parental controls, but ads for sites of sexual orientation could come from ANYWHERE and many parental controls don’t block them ALL! Not to mention most parents WORK for a living as the rising costs of living force many parents to work more hours and they can’t watch every little thing their kids do. Parents also cannot control what goes on in their kid’s environment and what kids they’re influenced by. They can only teach the child what is right and hope for the best. Many parents try taking their children to church, but as soon as they step outside, they walk into a war zone where 70% are doing the exact opposite of what the churches teach. This is precisely why many people feel that religion should exceed just a personal choice in order to be fully enforced.

Virginity is bad?

Furthermore, we have ignorant people that add to the problem by mocking those who aren’t sexually active. I am becoming increasingly concerned about the mental state of such individuals. I really am. In fact, pressure from peers is so bad that abstinent teens have admitted to lying to peers about having sex to avoid ridicule. They think fornicating makes you “cool” and if you don’t engage in the same behavior, they figure that something must be wrong with you and they try to make you feel like crap. No kiddies, it’s not the abstinent with the problem; it’s YOU! Kiddies having sex/making kiddie porn is NOT “cool!” Using billions of dollars of tax payers’ money to pay for unplanned children, especially after the father opted out of his parental duties, isn’t “cool.” Having so many sex partners that you wouldn’t know which one gave you an STD or which one is the father of your child, isn’t “cool.” Having to drop out of school and deal with all the other issues that come along with teen pregnancy despite the fact that it is 100% preventable is NOT “cool!” It’s stupidity! Only after the girls get pregnant does it dawn on them that what guys refer to as “no strings attached” is only no strings for the ones without ovaries. For the women who have to carry around the constant reminder of their actions, abortion is as close to no strings as they can get. “84% of abortions are done by unmarried women.” Why of course they are! Not only does premarital sex contribute to the number of abortions, but it also leads to financial instability; thus, adding to the numbers of those on welfare. “In the 90s, nearly, half of all teenage mothers received welfare within 5 years of becoming parents. It was even thought that these “handouts” even encouraged teen pregnancy and dependency on the government which lead to the Welfare Reform.” ( Today, not much has changed. “Of the 80% of food stamps going to families with children, 85% of it goes to single parent homes.” (

          In spite of the obvious bad influences imposed on minors as well as adults, Filmmakers continue to produce ridiculous movies like “40 yr old Virgin” boldly portraying virgins as “losers” and leading viewers to believe only 12 year olds should be virgins. What person in their right minds would so boldly corrupt a generation and brainwash them so that they embrace an ideology that is neither healthy nor of any real value to a person? And these are ADULTS who invent this crap whom I thought would be passed the phase of their lives when “fitting in” was the most important thing in the world to them. There is no reason why a person MUST lose their virginity while they’re young…especially if you’re too young to raise a child! The people who spread these lies are the real losers! They don’t care about the wellbeing of others. People like them are the reason why there are mixed views about right and wrong. These misguided people will manipulate the public by reprogramming them with silly movies and take no responsibility for the detrimental effects their actions have on society. Of course they want people to think what is bad is good and what is good is bad and the only way they can do that is if they put fornication in a positive light in as many tv shows/movies as they can while frowning upon abstinence. But not everyone is razzled & dazzled by their attempt to mask the ills of perversion. (Isaiah 5:20) “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” (Proverbs 14:9) “Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright.”

Issues with new ideas about Marriage & Divorce

Another huge issue that is hindering the teaching of abstinence is the lies and assumptions people have created about marriage and divorce. The problem comes when you look at countries in the west that often claim to be better than everyone else yet many of their relationships don’t last. Some will claim getting married later is a better solution to the problem, but people already wait longer in the U.S. to get married and the U.S. has the highest divorce rate.( Many in other countries get married at very young ages and their long lasting marriages are putting short western marriages to shame! This is something I’m not happy to say as marrying at young ages has many difficulties, but it’s the reality. Because of this, I feel that a successful marriage really has nothing to do with age or the marriage itself, but the problem lies in the partners. A lot of teens now are exposed to too much too soon, so although they feel they are knowledgeable on many things which leads to their “careless, KNOW IT ALL” behavior, they’re mentally too underdeveloped to properly process the things they’ve been exposed to. This is the difference between teens in the west and teens elsewhere that prevents our teens from maturing at a natural rate which would prepare them for marriage and many other matters concerning adulthood.

We have already seen the consequences of bashing and postponing marriage, so why does this flawed mindset continue to thrive? The minds of clear thinking individuals can see that those instructing others not to get married or to wait longer are causing an increase in the number of young single mothers since even without marriage they’re still going to have sex! Thanks to them many children will be left fatherless. The necessity of a caring father’s presence and guidance is more valuable than some make it appear. Studies have shown that people of single parent homes tend to fare worse than those of two parent households. “A survey of 108 rapists showed 60% came from female headed households, 70% of them were described as violent, 80% had displaced anger.” ( Why these men wanted to take their frustrations of inadequacies out on women when they raised them is beyond me, but this finding is consistent with a couple other studies. Because living off one income from young mothers can lead to poverty. This is also a huge issue for these families. “Living in poverty is stressful and can have many emotional effects on children, including low self-esteem, increased anger and frustration and an increased risk for violent behavior.” ( Another study showed that young men who grown up in homes without fathers are twice as likely to end up in jail as those who come from 2 parent families. They are also more likely to run away from home and have more disciplinary problems in school.
As for the females without fathers, they are more likely to have children before marriage thus the cycle of premarital sex, poverty, and fatherlessness continues.( Now this certainly doesn’t mean those from single parent homes are destined for failure. I’m sure there are some who feel they are better off without their fathers/husbands if they weren’t doing their duties as a parent as God instructs them in the bible. I just cannot ignore the fact that many of the girls people label as “sluts” either don’t have fathers around or have careless irresponsible fathers. There is no father guiding them in the right direction and they claim to sleep around because they want attention. Isn’t the problem obvious? Then you have some men going around saying they’re having sex because “they like it”. The ones that purposely prey on these vulnerable girls know better though. Some just don’t want to admit these children are damaged and they’re taking advantage of their situation. Denial only makes the problem worse!

          There is a site that highlights many of the issues of children growing up in single parent households including the mental, financial, and behavioral problems and it would appear as though they understand the issue but even armed with this knowledge, they still don’t get it. They claim that society is too hard on single parents and blame the older generations that hold on to their “OLD” traditions and values for scolding them saying, “Taboos and outcast-driving issues of yester years are fortunately now very common and most people understand that they actually are just normal and acceptable.” So basically, out with the OLD values, real parenting, and stable families and in with the NEW teen pregnancy! ( This person has lost their minds! This is just another example of how adopting the NEW worldly view of today is HURTING society, not helping it.

A video by CBN(Sexually Indulgent Now, Marriage Ruined Later?) ( shows research on the human brain provides evidence that promiscuity before marriage increases the likelihood of a failed marriage in the future. But one shouldn’t need science to tell them this. A common occurrence in countries that have longer lasting marriages is that they wait until marriage to have sex. There is clearly a lot of evidence that shows going against God’s laws has detrimental effects on society yet the ignorant anti-God naysayers still insist, NOT ONLY that their wayward ways are better but also that we follow the bible without thinking for ourselves. Have they not educated themselves from life experiences, statistics, and research as we have or are they just willfully ignorant? How many people have to die, suffer from depression, and have their lives ruined by flawed worldly ways before they wake up? (Ezekiel 23:35) “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Since you have forgotten me and thrust me behind your back, you must bear the consequences of your lewdness…”

Harmful psychological effects of Porn

While satisfying their own desires and insisting that they are providing the world with a little harmless “fun”, producers of porn are ruining sexuality and are responsible for the damage they’ve done to those in the porn industry in addition to the general public. Although supporters of these films will deny any harm done, the testimonies of ex & current porn stars, studies, and practically unavoidable personal experiences are such that their admission of reality isn’t needed. “A reporter found that ‘80% of the sex therapists we’ve contacted said an increasing number of males were asking for help with sex addiction.” The abundance of internet porn has been the main contributor to this problem. “Clive Human, who is with a community-based organization helping porn addicts, told the symposium ‘disturbing stories of porn addicts wrecking their marriage, committing suicide and even abusing their own children as their addiction progressed.’” People have also lost their jobs after their porn addiction took up so much of their time they were unproductive and some were caught viewing porn at work. “56% Divorces caused by one partner’s obsession with porn.”  ( (

“Clive said that in most cases the adults he counseled were exposed to sexually explicit material or sexualized in one way or another as children, and this has shaped their attitude towards women & sex,” Bateman reported. (,58493.asp) Which explains the flawed views of sexuality many people hold today. Those who support pornography are also suffering from these same effects though not as severe, it can become a very serious problem without the person even realizing it. Many of them become sensitized and their views on the treatment of women change as does their views of proper and improper sexual acts. “Today there is more than 8 clinics in America offering specialist treatment for those suffering from the disorder.” The sex addiction is indeed very harmful if it has such a hold on a person that it is referred to as a disorder…an illness! And since it is an illness it is treated as such with some patients requiring medication to overcome their addiction. (

           After the film makers and their supporters create addictions and unhealthy habits, therapists and the religious have to work 100 times harder to undo their damage. Help only comes to those who seek it and are wise enough to realize they have a problem, but sadly the only ones getting help are those who have sunken so deep in addiction that they have no choice but to reach out to others. What about the others who aren’t affected as badly, but are suffering just the same? Producers of this harmful material could care less about the lives they’ve ruined and will continue portraying “sexual freedom” as a positive thing when in reality they are psychologically enslaving billions for profit!                      (

Porn negatively effects rapists AND children

           For those who believe porn decreases the instances of rape, maybe you should take another look at the facts. “Psychologist Edward Donnerstein found that brief exposure to violent forms of pornography makes males MORE aggressive towards women, less responsive to pain and suffering of rape victims, and more willing to accept various myths about rape.”  ( Of course! Being aroused rather than offended by porn stars being degraded and misused is a tell-tale sign of this occurring. The porn industry has been known to dress porn stars up as children (mimicking child pornography) and mock rape; portraying it as if the victim “likes it.” This is not consistent with someone trying to suppress violent sexual behavior within viewers.

“Porn is involved in 70% of sexual abuse cases and men will act out porn scenes on their victims.” Most rapists and child molesters have high rates of hardcore porn. Many cases of child molestation have shown that pedophiles have hundreds and thousands of pictures and videos of children being molested. Such as this particular child porn case in Genesee County where Sheriff Pickell says, “We recovered 75 VHS tapes, over 200 DVDs, two computers, several digital cameras, a sexually explicit diary dating back to 1996,” he lists, citing all were full of porn, much of it depicting him in sex acts with young children.” ( A study of rapists at the Federal Correctional Institution in Butner, N.C. found that “However, in the course of treatment, these men would disclose to us that their use of the Internet was not the limit of their sexual acting out—it was in fact an adjunctive behavior.”
( Porn doesn’t suppress unnatural sexual desires, it FUELS them! The more they view it, the more they are enticed to perform the acts. I’ve never heard a rapist say, “I don’t rape anymore because now I have my porn.” You can only believe this foolishness if you FORCE yourself to. It defies all logic! Simply viewing porn just isn’t enough for them. Even non-rapists are enticed to perform the acts they see in porn so how is it that rapists can control their sexual behavior after watching videos of hardcore sex with seductive porn stars better than non-rapists?

            Under aged persons are especially vulnerable to the effects of internet porn. The internet makes porn easily accessible to users of any age. “In 2007, a study shows that the largest consumer of internet porn were children ranging in age from 12-17 with the industry claiming 20-30% of all their traffic coming from children and teens.” ( The average age when people begin to view porn is 8-9. The ads with half naked women for porn/cam sites are everywhere on the internet including sites unrelated to sexual content especially sites with computer games where kids go so I’m not surprised that minors easily find their way to those kinds of sites. Since those running these sites do little more than post “18+ only” next to a picture of a nude woman, which only entices minors MORE! As a result, there have been minors seeking professional help for porn addictions. And because porn is often their first experience with sex, they will learn that the acts performed in pornography are normal and will want to act them out on partners at a young age. If the pedophile in the Genesee County case started acting out sexually on children at the age of 10, I’m sure there are many other children out there who will do the same. Do you really think advocates of porn care about ruining your children’s future sexuality and attitude toward sex? They don’t!

Testimonies of the damages

Ex-porn stars have given their testimonies to expose the sex industry for what it really is. They admit that their lives were ruined upon entering the porn industry. They recall tales of getting STDs and not being able to protect themselves from contracting them because the sex industry doesn’t think condoms on porn stars are appealing to audiences; female genitals being ripped from harmful sex practices; many women were depressed and needed to use drugs to deal with the emotional trauma; some have committed suicide; many of the women find the work degrading and have low self-esteem; they also find it difficult to adjust to the real world after they leave the porn industry and have a low opinion of men because of the poor treatment from men in the industry. A doctor who assists those in the porn industry says she has sown up torn anuses and makes sure the patients get tested for STDs, but I doubt that does much good because porn stars have claimed that most in the industry have 1 or more STDs. Not to mention from the doctor’s interview in the video, she doesn’t have much high hopes for the girls in the industry after seeing what it has done to them. (

One important thing viewers of pornography need to do, which should be obvious, is to separate fantasy from reality. When a person is unable to do this they allow themselves to accept a false sense of ecstasy the paid actors perpetrate. Some ex and current porn stars are coming out and admitting that they hated performing the sex acts in porn. Jenna Jameson reveals her experiences as a porn star in her book “How to make love like a porn star: A Cautionary Tale.” She claims she lied about liking the sex, as many porn stars have to do, to “maintain the fantasy” for male audiences. ( It is clear that they are in love with the fantasy porn portrays rather than the harsh reality. Another ex-porn star has confirmed many of the claims made in the book adding that she estimates 75% of the porn stars are on drugs in the porn industry. ( Apparently this “sexual freedom” is more stressful, painful, and emotionally damaging than viewers would like to believe.
Prostitutes who aren’t in the porn industry are suffering just the same. “47% of the prostitutes surveying in an international study experienced discomfort as a result of their customers’ request to perform sexual acts they had seen in porn.” ( Also many women who aren’t in prostitution have been unsettled by a boyfriend or husband’s request to perform acts they’ve seen in porn. Then you have men who bash these women for not accepting the wayward ways of the world concerning sexuality.

The psychological effects of porn are real and its victims don’t notice the difference. In reality, these acts are often degrading, sometimes physically painful and are completely void of any intimacy. Porn is catered to male audiences who are enticed by dehumanizing women and having them serve solely as sex objects. So it shouldn’t surprise them that many women find porn repulsive. It is also a fact that many of the women in these scenes who claim to like it were sexually abused, suffer from emotional trauma, or only get through sets by keeping their huge pay checks in mind or with the help of drugs.

The Trouble with fixing the Problem

Because the offenders’ denial and refusal to change their ways has only exacerbated the situation, there are religious and family values protection groups that have taken action to improve current and future conditions for the public. Unfortunately, the “freedom of speech” exercised by perverts gets much more attention. Though all hope is not lost. The common sense decision to ban porn isn’t limited to western religious groups and feminists as the ungodly often assume. We have to recognize the ban on porn in countries like Vietnam, Ukraine, China, and other countries that are not motivated primarily by religion that are also controlled by men. Their reasoning includes protecting women and children from exploitation, ( it is harmful to youth and society, to improve families and encourage values/morality, and their view of porn is that it is simply “vile.”
Even in the U.S. there are many people who are against porn, signing petition sites and expressing their disapproval including sites like “The Anti-porn project” ( made mainly for men against porn. This is not just a feminist issue and scoffs that “its just women” to lessen the severity of the issue is ignorant, immature, and sexist. And where is the logic in dismissing the feelings and concerns of human beings that carried them for 9 months, pushed them out of a narrow opening in labor, and nursed them to health just to find out they would be treated as inferior when their children grew up?
Even South Korea has porn, but they don’t keep pushing sexual immorality on their people. They prioritize values which is noticeable from the family friendly shows they air and having the lowest teen pregnancy rate, so they know how separate fantasy from reality. If a sex tape of a celebrity in South Korea is made public, their careers are ruined. If this happens to an American, they gain popularity and endorsements! Now you know where their priorities are.

The widespread growth of sexual immorality has driven pimps to make millions from trafficking women and children for sex around the world. Pimps improve their lifestyle while another women or child goes missing from their home and brought to another location to satisfy the perverted sexual desires of sadists. Because of the promiscuity the immoral promote, human beings are reduced to being a commodity without feelings or aspirations.

The Bible on Sexual Immorality

           Regardless of what the porn promoting sex addicts may tell you, there is undeniable proof that sexual immorality has always been harmful to society. There is observable physical effects and less noticeable spiritual effects that occur with fornication. One of those less noticeable effects is a spiritual physical binding. (1 Corinthians 6:15-16) “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one flesh.’” Sexual intercourse is more than “just sex”, it is a binding. It binds a couple together for life and the two become one, so even though those who have one night stands and lovers of the past will claim their encounters were only temporary and that they are no longer attached to them in any way, they have created a physical bond with every single one of those people(even prostitutes). They may consider themselves unattached, but the are very much attached in God’s eyes.
An observable effect is the lack of self-respect. This is the one so many choose to overlook. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” Giving your body away to anyone and everyone is not how you honor your body. Religion teaches people to love and respect themselves. The ungodly would have you believe that it is your body and its ok to defile it as long as you consent to it, but this is a lie from the devil that is used for the sole purpose of bringing more condemned souls to hell. As scripture clearly states, “you are not your own.” Religion wants people to know that their bodies are temples and should be cherished. Temples of the Holy Spirit would be defiled if it were given away carelessly to prostitutes, one nighters, and those who don’t love them. People have to love themselves enough to keep their virginity sacred for someone who will love and cherish them. They have to resist the lies the ungodly have spread about sleeping around for temporary sexual gratification that were created to devalue human beings and lessen the importance of God’s purpose for them. People ARE important. People ARE special. They are more valuable than anyone can imagine. (1 Corinthians 6:18) “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” The effects of rape and regretting sex with people who didn’t deserve them show just how harmful sins against the body are. Because of the issues that occur when people become sexually immoral, people would be much better off waiting until marriage to have sex. (1 Corinthians 7:2) “To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” It would do them more good to ignore those who go against the bible and say religion is bad for you because God is the only way to heaven. The bible was made to benefit man, not hurt them. And what could be so wrong with telling people to honor and respect their bodies? What would be wrong is listening to people who smile at you while telling you to “put out” “because it feels good.” (1 Corinthians 5:9) “I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immorality people-.” God knows this is a difficult task today, but he advised people years ago to do this because he wanted to prevent them from being corrupted by undiscerning souls that are not of God.

The Bible on Homosexuality

            The old as well as the New Testament shows that God has always condemned homosexuality, but you have many misguided people going around UNcondemning its practice. (Romans 1:27) “In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.” There are some people who twist this scripture and claim that it isn’t talking about homosexuals; even pointing out that it doesn’t explicitly use the word “homosexual”. Then what is it talking about? Owls? Acorns? Or maybe…“CHIPMUNKS inflamed with lust for one another?!” It clearly defines natural sexual relations as between a man and a woman and goes on to say that sexual relations between two MEN is indecent. It doesn’t have to say the word homosexual for a person to know who they’re talking about! Homosexuality in the bible is defined as lust and perversion. Thus, homosexuality is condemned. (Matthew 19:4-9) Plainly states that God created a woman for a man and that a man leaves his parents for a wife, NOT for another man. Similar verses are repeated over and over again throughout the bible because it is something God wants us to pay attention to.

           Someone thought they could trick people into thinking that Jesus himself condoned homosexuality, by mixing blaspheme with scripture saying that Eunuchs fit the description of homosexuals. They say, “Who were the homosexuals in the Bible? Jesus said this: “For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. To him who can comprehend, that is enough.” (Matthew 19:12)” ( Blasphemy!
I will bring to your attention that in the “ex-gay fraud” section of this website they say that people AREN’T made gay from molestation therefore NOT made gay BY MEN because their belief is that homosexuals are BORN that way, but here they post a verse that says “there are Eunuchs that were made that way by men!” WOW! Why contradict yourself so plainly?! The Eunuchs mentioned in the bible are made this way by men by being castrated. How many men do you know were made gay by being castrated? Either way you look at it homosexuals don’t fit this description. They are trying to prove that gays “were born so from their mother’s womb” as Eunuchs were but they can’t be Eunuchs if there isn’t the possibility of them becoming that way by men as the verse says! Eunuchs being “born that way” actually refers to men being born unable to reproduce. It doesn’t mean they were born with a sexual attraction to the same sex nor does any verse in the bible even hint at this interpretation. And how many gays are impotent? Also, this person ignores the scripture (Genesis 1:27) “God created man in his own image.” Now, If God purposely created men gay without the ability to turn away from their attraction to the same sex, while making ALL other sins avoidable, how would this be creating man in the likeness of God?
Another verse that strikes me is they are boldly saying HOMOSEXUALS “made themselves Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.” Homosexuality PREVENTS you from entering the kingdom of heaven it doesn’t increase your chances of getting there, so you can’t become a homosexual for the sake of the kingdom of heaven! For the sake of the devil is more like it! Another thing is that Eunuchs are holy people who live by the word of God. We’ve already established that homosexuality is AGAINST the word of God, so I don’t even know why this person bothers. How many “holy” homosexuals do you know?
Eunuchs do remain unmarried as many homosexuals do, but homosexuals remain unmarried so they can freely sleep around and because many don’t see it as necessary. Eunuchs remain unmarried because they want to devote their lives to the Lord which would also require them to remain celibate. We all know from the high rates of STDS within the gay community that homosexuals are FAR from celibate holy people! The following website offers the truth about Eunuchs that is consistent with the word of God ( How someone managed to turn celibate holy men who live to do the work of God into homosexuals I will never know, but this is how desperate people are to twist scripture so that it agrees with their views.

 Even though the bible says it’s wrong, they think twisting scripture and making those against their acts look like the bad guys will make their actions seem OK, then they try to get others to condone their practices and unfortunately some do. (Romans 1:32) “Although they know God’s righteousness decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do those very things but also approve of those who practice them.”


Another act that the bible condemns will be examined for the purpose of showing the reasoning for condemning the sin in scripture that some deny is even there. The bible says in (1 Timothy 5:23) “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.” It is clear from this as well as other scriptures that God is not against drinking but he IS against the misuse of alcohol. Getting intoxicated may seem like something harmless, but like all other sins, it is prohibited for good reason. Alcohol impairs judgment as the bible confirms in (Isaiah 28:7) and God knows of the things that can go wrong when a person’s judgment is impaired at times when they really need a clear head. Rape is one of those things that can go wrong.
Many women have been taken advantage of after becoming intoxicated and couldn’t do anything to stop the incident from occurring. “ ‘Alcohol is definitely the No. 1 date-rape drug,’ said Jessica Cavey, education coordinator at Turn Around Inc.. Experts say that alcohol is still the most common substance used in such incidents[rape cases].” ( In other cases, it can drive people to become more susceptible to consenting to sexual immorality. (Ephesians 5:18) “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.”
And (Proverbs 18:9) shows us that alcohol can cause a person to become violent and get into fights as we see in domestic violence cases where alcohol was involved. A very costly study funded by The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism also showed that younger, heavier drinkers who frequented bars were more likely to be aggressive and get into bar fights. The study wasn’t worth the money spent, but it does show along with other studies that there doesn’t need to be any debate about whether or not alcohol leads to the aggression seen in many drinkers because the bible already confirms it! ( Another major problem with alcohol is the risk of addiction and dependency. Families morn for their “living” loved ones struggling with alcohol addiction and feel helpless. The alcohol is actually just a weak substitute for God. It is much easier to grab a drink than to go to God, but when people learn about the REAL comforter[the Lord], they will be surprised at the positive changes that will come into their lives.
Even more unsettling, “Drunk drivers are responsible for as many as 250,000 deaths in the past 10 years.” ( “More than 17,000 people are the victims of drunk driving accidents every year. Drunk driving accidents cost the public around $114.3 billion a year.” ( Just another issue that is costing us, but we had to allow it because the religious fight in the prohibition movement was lost to gang-bangers and alcoholics. Money is wasted, people die needlessly, women are taken advantage of, and a whole heap of other problems occur when religion no longer becomes the priority of a nation.

And the problems continue…

Regardless of the explanations others may have for the problems in the world, and there are a lot of ridiculous ones, many of their proposed “solutions” have proven to be ineffective while wasting a lot of time and money. So why not choose plan Z? The one they’ve been putting off! Why not try going back to God? We know the problem is that values and doing what is right rather than what is preferred is not the top priority in America, so why not do something to change that? Why are we still wasting billions financing problems that are 100% preventable? We can teach our nation about the importance of values just as many other countries have, but why don’t we? People have this problem with “offending others/imposing their beliefs on others.” I believe in respect and people having their own ideas but when its literally costing us and hurting nations, that’s when you have to draw the line. The ungodly will say that religion is harmful to them and is interfering with their freedom, but if there is conflict then they are obviously doing something wrong and aren’t in the right frame of mind. I just feel like telling these people, “Look around you! Don‘t you think YOUR unruly ways are hurting as well?” Unfortunately they are so ignorant they will look around and see nothing… (Isaiah 26:10) “Though grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness; even in land of uprightness they go on doing evil and regard not the majesty of the Lord.”
Religion is about implementing the word of God in people’s lives to change things for the better. Anti-religion is about keeping things the way they are and allowing this non-sense to continue, while proposing “intelligent sounding” solutions that are absent of God that are sure to fail. We’ve tried doing things their way. Apparently, It isn’t working! Why not try religion to experience the difference many religious people have already experienced after accepting God into their lives? (Proverbs 29:16) “When the wicked thrive, so does sin, but the righteous will see their downfall.”

          If you think ignoring your obligation to live life the way God intended, will make things better you’re mistaken. That will just lead to death and destruction. This idea of “freedom” that the rebellious have promoted encourages people to do away with common sense and self control. They’re trying to convince people that doing whatever they want will lead to happiness, but all we have to do is look at the number of people living with depression, the suicide rates, the never ending complaints from American citizens, and the many regrets of those who used to listen to the lies of the unreligious to see that they’re lying. (Job 20:5) “that the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but a moment.” The freedom to be chaotic and ignorant isn’t what it is hyped up to be. It makes the world an unbearable place to live creating tension, hostility, and disorder.

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The Purpose of Life in Scriptures Pt.4

The Afterlife: Heaven & Hell

Purpose of Life

            The afterlife is where many expect to be when they pass away, but there are others who think differently. They believe that once you’re dead; that’s it! That there isn’t a next step after death. Non believers don’t understand why so many accept an afterlife and they must not want to understand it because the reasoning behind it is actually pretty simple. The afterlife supports our belief that there is more to life than what we can see and that our purpose extends into the afterlife. We realize that God has a plan for us. God doesn’t ask man to practice self-discipline for nothing! It is so that we can follow God to the path of righteousness; making the world a better place and later joining him in heaven & the new Earth as he ordained. This is why believers put forth the effort to support a cause that is greater than themselves.

            Death to many Atheists usually means all aspects of life end once the body expires. If this is the case, then what was the point to life? Their belief suggests that all the pain and suffering people have gone through was all for nothing since it all ends in death. There is no light at the end of the tunnel! There is nothing good that awaits the less fortunate after they die. This idea is okay for some, but depressing to many others. Their persistent “there is no hell” claim doesn’t help at all either since if this is the case, there is no heaven either. In the end, there is no real motivation in life except to attain the temporary gains of life. At least with religion, there is a method to the madness. If this short lived life is the only life you get, I’d be spending everyday as if it were my last; trying to do all the things I’ve dreamed of, but you don’t see too many Atheists making these wise decisions based off their beliefs do you? Instead they make speeches, start debates, troll Christian chat rooms, leave negative/hateful comments on religious articles, and make youtube videos for the sole purpose of bashing religion. They WASTE their life doing useless things that only scare people away from their beliefs!

            Although they try to convince others that heaven and hell are myths, their efforts always turn out fruitless since they haven’t died and came back to prove that it doesn’t exist. Wouldn’t they love the idea of no afterlife; meaning all your bad deeds will have no bearing on where you go when you pass away? What a life it must be to be able to commit all the immoral acts they want without ever having to pay for it in life OR in death. No wonder life after death doesn’t sound appealing to them. Abstaining from sin requires effort from the person as well as a will to receive guidance from God and some of them just refuse to put in that type of effort since they don’t believe in a God. Unfortunately for them, choosing not to believe in hell doesn’t effect the reality of it’s existence. Reckless, self-destructive life styles do come at a price. Whatever a person does…good or bad, it comes back to them eventually. We have seen this take place in life and we will also see it in the afterlife. Not only that, but they are reducing the value of human life as if we only exist to fulfill our own desires, rather than to fulfill the divine will of God. They feel like there is no main point to life at all. If they chose to seek God and receive knowledge from the Holy Spirit, they would see all that believers spoke of was true and the truth will reveal the good in the logic of an afterlife. (Nahum 1:3) “The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.”

The Test of Life

            Non believers see this life as THE life, but in reality eternal life is THE life. The short lived time we spend on Earth is more like a testing period. A person’s faith, self control, and spiritual obedience are among the main things that are tested in this life. Throughout this time people will experience trials and tribulations only to learn to work through them or be consumed by them. Some may not agree with the way this works, but it is what it is. Denying this won’t change anything. Now we are given free will and what we do with that will show our true character. Some Atheists argue that “if free will means going to hell then, why doesn’t God make us so that we don’t sin.” That would make things easier, but it isn’t how things turned out. He already made us sin-free in the garden of Eden before we ate from the tree of knowledge. Clearly he originally didn’t want us to sin OR to go to hell. The spirit of doubt brought on by Satan makes man think that sin is unavoidable. And LOVE is never forced. If it were forced then, it is not true love. You cannot see the person’s true character if you force them to do something. Forced servants of God combined with willing servants of God just smells like an issue in the future. Some people are bound to retaliate and just don’t want to submit to authority or feel compelled to be disobedient by evil spirits. God only wants those who follow him because they truly believe in him and love him to be with him for eternity. HE gives man a chance to repent and turn their lives around because God is an understanding God. He understands that man will sin and make mistakes. He even sent his son to die for their sins so that ALL man will have a chance to seek God and walk in righteousness. This is the love of God and his will to save mankind. God wants people to go to heaven, but they must first pass the test of life. A spiritually obedient life will prepare them for a life in heaven. (2 Corinthians 13:5) “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you – unless of course you fail the test?”

Understanding God

            The existence of hell is difficult for many believers and non believers alike to grasp. So much so that some believers deny hell’s existence. Often I hear, “If God is a loving God, then why would he send people to hell?” The idea of hell causes some confusion. Believing that hell makes God any less merciful and loving, comes from a lack of understanding of God. Hell should show people how God views transgressions and adopting that same view would eliminate confusion. This isn’t like punishing kids for starting a food fight in the school cafeteria. This is punishment for deliberately disobeying the Lord your God’s commandments; committing GRAVE sins. God made those commandments to improve your lives so that you can live purely and some feel like they can go do whatever they please with their lives dismissing the fact that they wouldn’t have a life if it wasn’t for God. People need to realize their lives and souls are not their own; they belong to God. Disobeying him won’t be taken lightly. Sin is more serious than man can understand. This is why when a person reads the bible, they need to remember that God’s understanding isn’t man’s understanding. Man must get to a point when their thinking matches God’s. In this way, man can better understand God.

            Hell doesn’t make sense when you look at sin as a minor offense, as a mere human who doesn’t understand God, but when you read the bible and see how harshly people are punished for sin, your opinion of sin should change. Hell is a place for people who don’t love or respect the highest authority, God and bring deceit and destruction to the world. Why would God allow this nuisance in heaven? So they can disturb the peaceful oasis of the people who earned their right to be in heaven? God certainly won’t be rewarding those who disobey him. He won’t force you to obey him, but he isn’t going to let you get away with your bad deeds either. (Isaiah 27:11) “For this is a people without understanding; so their Maker has no compassion on them, and their Creator shows them no favor.”

            Look at it this way, if someone sinned against you or a loved one and didn’t pay for it in life, wouldn’t you want justice done? Just as some will say, “there is a special place in hell for those types of people.” Hell is often viewed as justice when prison, revenge, or consequences on Earth just isn’t punishment enough. It’s really difficult to believe that the same people who believe in what the bible says would claim they don’t believe in hell. The same people who wrote that God is just and merciful are the same people who wrote about hell and everything else, so it is a little silly for you to claim you accept the bible as God’s word while purposely ignoring the parts you don’t like. This is exactly why Atheists think believers have to ignore parts in the bible in order to accept it! There are plenty more believers who aren’t like that at all though who understand God’s WHOLE Word, not just parts of it. (Romans 3:5-6) “But if our righteousness brings out God’s righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world?”

Who will go to heaven?

            As far as who exactly will be going to heaven or hell, only God knows, but it seems man have attempted to take God’s place in the judging seat. They assume they will go to heaven along with everyone else they consider to be good and that only the murderers and child molesters are going to hell. They’ve conveniently left out the vast majority who don’t commit these crimes, but also aren’t following God’s commandments. I can agree with the righteous people who are spiritually obedient, but many of the people who assume things like this aren’t the least bit righteous. I mean it may be comforting to see yourself as this precious little angel, but if the reality is that you are a sinner in God’s eyes then this belief will only prevent you from seeing the error in your ways that could lead to change. Getting to heaven takes a lot more effort that many believe. You don’t just automatically go there for being “good” since man’s definition of good isn’t really all that good. Their idea of good is simply not committing crimes. I myself often see most people I meet as good even if I don’t know them very well.

If it was easy to get to heaven, priests wouldn’t take a vow of celibacy, nuns wouldn’t isolate themselves from the ungodly, Muslims wouldn’t pray 5 times a day, Jews wouldn’t observe the Sabbath, Christians wouldn’t spread the word of God and baptize as many people as they can. Although you can do these things simply for the love of God, these things take EFFORT! It seems some have ignored scripture: (Luke 13:24)When Jesus says, “Make every EFFORT to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” Clearly, Jesus is saying that it is difficult to get into heaven, which is the exact OPPOSITE of what many people will tell you.

            It is easy to assume your wrongs weren’t that big of a deal, but in God’s eyes everything from a “little white lie” to a series of murders are seen as serious offences and are weighed as such. No matter how much man glorify lust in the media, God says it was wrong thousands of years ago and those same rules apply today.

Scriptures say: (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” And that’s just the short version of who WON’T be going to heaven. The list goes on! (Revelations 21:8) “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death[hell].”

These scriptures are one of the reasons why many don’t want to accept the bible in it’s entirety. Many commit the sins mentioned or know of someone who has and instead of changing their ways and heeding the bible’s warning, they’d rather keep denying God’s word and do whatever they please. God didn’t have someone write the bible just so people could ignore the parts they don’t like. He wants you to do his will and get saved to inherit the kingdom of heaven. (2 Peter 3:9) “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

             Some may say God’s law is archaic, but I’d rather join something archaic than join the “in crowd” in blatant denial. These sinners are deceitful and will drag you down in the same rut they’re in, which is why it is so unbelievable that so many choose to follow them instead of the Lord who loves and cares about them. Many of the ungodly who are warned about hell either don’t believe they’ll go or are careless enough to laugh at the very idea of a hell. Life is short, but eternity is forever, so where you spend eternity is what should matter most. My hope is that believers and non believers alike will find wisdom and reason in the word of God.

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Creationism vs Evolution Pt.3

    The Origin of Life


Man Never Evolved

          Many theories have circulated about how everything evolved into what we see today. Sadly, most of which are only educated guesses. No indisputable explanations. Some of these theories require more faith than religion to believe in. Evolution suggests that humans evolved from apes, which is a theory first introduced by Darwin that many Evolutionists still accept today. Even now, scientists are trying to find connections between humans and apes that point to common ancestry, but even DNA and other biological similarities isn’t enough to prove that one descended from the other. Today, the search for “evidence of evolution” continues…unfortunately.

  • Neanderthals are humans

          Neanderthals are said to be a species that evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago and have more similarities to apes than homo-sapiens which lead Evolutionists to believe they are a separate species from homo-sapiens. However, there is much more evidence that proves otherwise. Some scientists who have examined Mitochondrial DNA of Neanderthals have said that humans don’t share any Mitochondrial DNA with the species. Others will say 1-4% of DNA in non-Africans are from Neanderthals( Evolutionists claim there was interbreeding between early homo-sapiens and Neanderthals, which eventually led to the extinction of Neanderthals. Then you have scientists that claim there was no evidence of interbreeding as in an article published by Life Science ( Talk about inconclusive “evidence”. They do more to confuse you than to persuade you. Interbreeding could explain the similarities of those with Neanderthal DNA in them, but this is unlikely for 2 reasons. Two separate species cannot produce fertile offspring(if you accept the scientific limitations and reject possibilities in a supernatural realm) and although Evolutionists believe evolution began in Africa, all the Neanderthals that left Africa clearly are not of African decent. They could say that the early humans that migrated from Africa evolved into completely different races according to what country they went to, but it just isn’t believable. There is no proof it happened and what are the chances it ever COULD happened? It makes more sense for different races to already be placed in their designated country along with their designated languages due to the “Tower of Babel” incident rather than immigrants(which is what they really are) migrating to another country and all of them “coincidentally & MIRACULOUSLY” evolving TOGETHER in looks and speech!

          More inconsistencies are found the more these theories are researched. There were theories that ape men began evolving in Africa after the earliest human remains were found there and they migrated to other parts of the world( Ape men were first described as being of lesser intelligence than modern day humans, but evidence from as far back as two decades ago shows they were just like humans today. Neanderthals were found to have spoken languages, made tools, practiced religion, played instruments, and buried their dead. If they did migrate then they would’ve likely taken their language, religion, and culture with them and their new destination would portray their beliefs. Their brain size was larger than that of modern day humans but that doesn’t prove they were neither smarter nor of lesser intelligence. It does show however that there was no progression in brain size from evolution, but rather a reduction in size. The anatomy is similar in that the limbs are shorter and their body weight is larger but this is common in many people who live in cold climates, so it is not a sign of evolution(

  • No real DNA evidence of evolution

          Similarities such as identical DNA doesn’t necessarily point to common ancestry. Chimps and humans do share more than 98% DNA, but mice share 97% of DNA with humans! Mice and humans also both have about 30,000 genes. Their genes are so similar to humans that by comparing human and mice genes, 1,200 genes have been discover in humans ( So now can we say that humans evolved from mice? Mice supposedly evolved LONG before humans did but have been as helpful to humans from animal testing as chimps have, so why not say that we gradually evolved from mice? It doesn’t seem to have much to do with DNA similarities at all as scientists will claim.

We have similarities in DNA to other animals as well yet the percent of DNA doesn’t always represent the order in which an animal came about. Because humans are physically more similar to chimps, humans can be expected to share similarities in DNA with them just as chimps are more similar to gorillas and share identical DNA. Rather than pointing to common ancestry, these similarities point to a common creator who used the same tools(DNA/genes) to create different organisms


  • Evolutionists cover-ups and lies

Human Devolution by Michael by Michael Cremo further examines the inconsistencies in Evolution and presents incriminating evidence found by Archaeologists that prove evolution is a lie. Many scientists believed early humans only existed for 100,000 years. Although Archaeologists found human artifacts at a Hueyatlace Site that are said to date back as far as 250,000 years. Because the Evolutionists who believed in the ape man theory didn’t want the public to know that their previous theories about the evolution of man being incorrect, they refused to publish the age of the site given by their own team of Geologists. When a few of their Anthropologists chose to publish the date of the site against their wishes, they found that most Evolutionists rejected them simply because their findings contradict previous theories. In 1979, Mary Leakey found footprints in layers of rock that are said to be almost 4 million years old. Even though they said early humans didn’t exist then.(

          An old footprint was found in a trilobite fossil said to be 500-600 million yrs old, so humans DID exist the same time as animals regardless of the lies scientists have spread.(

           Other Creationist videos show that Evolutionists would try to reconstruct a WHOLE ape man structure from as little as a dated TOOTH to a few unidentified bones! It is safe to say their “reconstructions” are more from creativity and imagination than actual fossil evidence. Humans have always appeared as they appear today. Man never evolved.

(  [Multiple videos of proof against evolution provided]

Anti-Creationists and the Theory of Evolution

          When some Anti-Creationists realize that not all aspects of evolution are believable, they choose to reject the theories they no longer agree with and only accept the ones that make sense to them, just as some of them have rejected Darwin’s theory that humans came from apes although experts claim they’ve found remains of evolved organisms to prove that Darwin was right. So much for being pro-evolution, pro-scientific evidence, and pro-reason. What’s even more puzzling is that after boldly denying the evolution of man, they don’t offer a new theory to explain man’s existence. After realizing they’ve just dug a hole for themselves, they avoid elaborating on the subject. The ones that do this are the bunch that believe practically everything experts on evolution say without REALLY looking into it. They themselves know very little about evolution. It shows in their uneducated responses.

No Common ancestry with animals?

           I’ve seen at least three evolution supporters give three different interpretations of “common ancestry.” They INTENTIONALLY misinterpret it’s full meaning and insist that common ancestry has nothing to do with animals that have evolved from the same animal / common ancestor (ie. Humans evolving from apes which would make apes our ancestors). The name “common ancestor” says it all, so I’d find it difficult to get this meaning confused yet there are people who attempt to convince others that common ancestry merely refers to the relationship between species, not mentioning that the relationship is shared because one evolved from the other. Because many of them realize humans are said to share a common ancestry with apes, they must change the meaning of common ancestry in an attempt to defend evolution while denying one of it’s main original theories. They’re typical Evolutionists, constantly changing theories and meanings to make them sound more believable and also to make it appear as if Creationists don’t understand evolution. All they’re really doing is contributing more lies and tricks to evolution making it even more unbelievable. I’m sure they realize that by eliminating the existence of ape men, they are skipping the apes and going straight to the existence of humans! If this is the case, no evolution has taken place and this is the exact same belief as Creationists! Why don’t they just join Creationists? Its obvious that they believe humans have always existed as the modern day humans of today and find the evolution of man to be ridiculous.

            Even some experts in the field will suggest that some of Darwin’s theories were only partially correct, as they have since developed new theories about his belief that whales evolved from black bears. Many of those theories contradict each other. Does it really surprise anyone that even experts are divided on many theories? They debate amongst themselves because even Evolutionists know there are parts of evolution that don’t quite fit. Clearly these “concrete facts” aren’t so concrete. This must be why there are Evolutionists who will believe most “proven facts” of evolution, but won’t believe others. Their approval of evolution is based on whether it’s believable or not and had little to do with whether there is any scientific evidence to support it in this case. Not only that, but they do exactly what they accuse many Christians of doing by accepting only the parts of evolution they agree with yet they reject other theories while claiming to support evolution as a whole. If evolution was such a proven fact then they’d believe ALL of the “proven facts” instead of cherry picking.

  • Issues with Natural Selection

            Just look at how quickly they took to Darwin’s Natural Selection while rejecting the other theory that came from the same man! The idea that the environment is responsible for the evolution in animals to help them survive in that particular environment is believable AND observable while the evolution of man is NOT yet BOTH claim to have scientific evidence to prove they occurred. Although, Natural Selection has problems of it’s own. It suggests that the animals were “naturally” selected, but there seems to be some very meticulous “by chance” selecting going on. What a coincidence these animals happened to evolve with all the traits necessary to survive in their environment. What luck?! If the only thing animals had to do was sit tight and wait for “nature” to work it’s magic the number of polar bears probably wouldn’t have dramatically decreased after not being able to adapt to the temperature changes in their environment. These animals clearly had to be created with the tools to adapt because the environment isn’t going to help them much if their DNA won’t allow such a change.

            Evolutionists now claim that gene mutations caused organisms to evolve. Ah gene mutation… Another aspect of evolution that occurred spontaneously millions of years ago and cannot be observed. They replaced Natural Selection with gene mutations because they realized Natural Selection greatly restricts the extent to which an animal can alter physically in order to adapt. For instance, an animal cannot “naturally” grow body parts that weren’t they before and morph into a completely different species. Some Evolutionists still believe this is possible but much like Artificial Selection, where the breeder selects the animal’s traits, no matter how much breeding they do, they’ll only get a variation of the species they breed(such as coat color/temperament). They won’t get a completely different species, so Evolutionists decided that something else must be the cause of evolution. However, gene mutation also has it’s limits.

  • Issues with Gene Mutation

            The gene mutation seen in Natural Selection is on a much smaller scale and can be observed, but Evolutionists want people to believe the same small scale evolution in Natural Selection, in addition to genetic drift, gene flow, and gene mutation leads to speciation/macroevolution, which is unobservable! This type of mutation on a large scale has never occurred. Whenever scientists attempt to mimic the genetic mutations they believe cause species to evolve, their experiments always fail, which is why the only “beneficial mutations” seen are those of microevolution such as the experiments done on bacteria. Genetics won’t allow speciation to take place. Genetic information is lost through Natural Selection and macroevolution requires an increase in genetic information in order to take place, but an increase in genetic information great enough to cause a species to evolve cannot occur ( Their fruit fly mutation even proves that such mutations are often harmful and would actually lead to the extinction of species rather than the survival. It also shows that they can do little more than rearrange or alter pre-existing DNA ( (

             Maybe these failed experiments don’t fit nicely into their theories of evolution because the macroevolution they speak of is a figment of their imagination. Natural Selection and Macroevolution are ideas used to replace God. Evolutionists don’t want to say a higher power designed species so that they will be able to adapt to the environment that was prepared for them, so they had to invent another explanation to make it seem like a random science driven event. Why not just face reality? An animal cannot be placed in an environment unless it already has the traits to survive there. In the millions of years it would take them to evolve, they’d die after not being able to adapt quickly enough to be able to survive in their habitat. And if they were able to survive in a particular environment for millions of years before fully evolving, then they wouldn’t need to evolve.

Animals Never Evolved

  • Horse evolution

            Those who support evolution will look to fossil evidence provided by deceptive Evolutionists for proof of evolution, but what many of them don’t realize is that much of their fossils go against evolution. Much of what the public is shown are merely impressions and exaggerated drawings rather than the actual fossils. Some of their theories have been proven wrong in the 1950s. Evolutionists continue to use the model of horse evolution to prove evolution occurred, but the truth is that none of the “horses” portrayed in the model have evolved. Fossils of species that are physically similar were ordered from smallest to largest. Nothing more.

Multiple sources have exposed the errors in the “horse evolution,” citing crucial evidence that Evolutionists left out. They point out the odd varying number of ribs between the horses that aren’t consistent with progression over time where one would expect the number of ribs to steadily increase from the smallest horse to the largest horse. They show how the size of the animal consistently increases and the number of toes consistently decreases, but the number of ribs don’t follow the same pattern. Even the sizes of the animal don’t prove they evolved because we have a variety in sizes of horses today and those apparently didn’t evolve from one another. The worst part about the model is that the horses are supposed to represent change over time where they increase in size with age, but the smaller horses are not actually older than the bigger horses. They lied about the ages of the horses to make it appear as though there was a progression over time. Different layers of earth are supposedly different time periods and some of the fossils were found in the same layers indicating that one fossil is not much older than the other, if not the exact same age ( Yet, they still insist on ordering them mainly according to size without actually knowing if one is older than the other. The model of horse evolution is based on the assumption that the similarities in fossils point to evolution. All their other models of supposedly “evolved” animals are also the result of fabricated fossil evidence.

  • Dinosaur to Bird Evolution

            They have also insisted that birds evolved from dinosaurs and use ideas like “common ancestry” to make this theory sound believable. They note the similarities in birds and the Archaeopteryx, such as them both having teeth and claws on their wings, but not all birds share these features. Thus making these slight similarities meaningless. There was news of a fossil of an Archaeopteryx that had feathers like a bird that appeared to be the connection to birds that would prove they evolved. It turned out the fossil evidence was forged. Someone looking to make money off people who are gullible enough to believe reptiles with scales evolved into birds with feathers put feathers on a fossil of a dinosaur to make it appear as though it was evolving into a bird. Thus far they have only come up with “ideas” that similarities in the two species may show evidence of the POSSIBILITY that some dinosaurs had feathers (

However, without fossil evidence of this evolution taking place, they have nothing holding this theory together. In addition, Barbara Stahl’s “Vertebrate History: Problems in Evolution” explains that there is physical evidence in birds and Archaeopteryx that the two already had their present physical features and didn’t evolve at all (

  • Missing Links

            Evolutionists have been known to exaggerate fossil evidence to make it appear to be something it isn’t. They find fossils and claim similarities in physical features shows that one evolved from the other, when the fossils prove nothing of the sort. The fossils contain completely different species that are fully formed. None are in the process of evolving. Evolutionists know very well there are no existing transitional fossils. They’ve tried to explain it away with assumptions and downright LIES that cannot be confirmed like the Evolutionists of Action Bioscience(

Why bother? Even many Evolutionists have already admitted to the reality of the “missing links.” People like Michael Denton, George Gaylord Simpson and other paleontologist Evolutionists claim there is no transition occurring. Their interpretations of fossil evidence have always been elaborate lies in which they purposely leave out critical evidence that goes against their theories. They’ve seen in the fossils they’ve gathered that there were what they call “missing links” where the species that would connect those of common ancestry were missing/non-existent. The gaps weren’t FILLED as the site above and other Evolutionists will claim. They only thing they FILLED their theories with is fabricated fossils…many of which aren’t shown to the public, assumptions based mainly on similarities in animal structures that has been seen in many animals TODAY and don’t prove evolution, and pseudo-science. Their findings don’t match the fossil evidence which is why they have to constantly lie. The proof against evolution comes from Evolutionists, Scientists, Geologists, Archaeologists, in addition to Creationists. While many Evolutionists will claim Creationists don’t understand it, many of the laypeople themselves aren’t as educated as the ones in these fields, so they must not understand it either! There have even been fossils of old insects and bugs found that shows animals have always appeared as they do today!(evolution There are no transitional fossils and no evolved organisms, just Evolutionists who need something to hold onto to justify their denial of God’s existence.

Inaccuracies in Dating Methods

               Many Evolutionists(Geologists) even today use the Geologic Column to find the relative date of fossils. The problem with this is that this dating method, like others they use, are unreliable. One thing that really stabs them in the foot is their circular reasoning. They’ll say that the age of the layer of Earth is determined by the age of the fossils found in them, then they’ll say the age of the fossils are determined by the age of the layer of Earth they are found in. Having knowledge of such methods being unreliable should bring people to realize that much of the ages of their fossils must also be inaccurate and there is much evidence to prove that to be the case.

              The Geologic Column gives each layer of Earth an age. The layers are said to be MILLIONS of years apart based on the assumption that the Earth is billions of years old yet there are no erosion marks between the layers. Each layer of rock looks exactly the same. If they had been formed “naturally” over millions of years there should be erosion marks present between the separate layers. But what we find is that the layers of rock are stacked evenly right on top of each other because they were all formed at the exact same time. The rock was formed over a very short period of time and only a worldwide flood of great magnitude would form all the sedimentary rock in different parts of the world as quickly as it did. This proves the flood in the book of Genesis to be a FACT since it explains the absence of erosion marks along with the obvious signs of catastrophe in the layers or rock observed by other scientists. No natural, slow process can explain the formation of the layers of rock.

            Limestone was found in all the “different” layers of the Earth and each limestone looks exactly the same even though they are supposedly millions of year apart. There were intact petrified trees running vertically through the layers of rock. AGAIN, The rock had to be formed RAPIDLY to form around those trees. If the layers of rock were formed slowly, the trees wouldn’t run right through them. The tree would’ve decayed in the millions of years this process demands! There was never any gradual process that caused the formation of sedimentary rock. Lobe-finned fish are the index fossils for rocks that are said to be between 325-410 million years old, but these fish AREN’T EXTINCT! They are alive and well today! (

             Evolutionists claimed that dinosaurs existed 70 million years ago yet in 1997 a medical pathologist found blood still inside a dinosaur bone! With what we know today about DNA, research has shown that it takes DNA less than 10,000 years to decay, so this blood as well as other DNA found by archaeologists cannot possibly be more than 10,000 years old or it wouldn’t exist. In fact, many of the fossils they find are so degraded they can hardly get any DNA from it at all, but when they do find DNA in some of their fossils it’s surprising that they don’t come to their senses about the actual ages of the fossils they are studying.

And least we forget, in the Cambrian Explosion where major animal groups were found together in the same geological period, rather than appearing in different layers as evolution suggests(Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells). Clearly these animals had all existed at the same time! When faced with this reality, Charles Doolittle Walcott hid these findings for 70 YEARS because he knew his discoveries of the Cambrian Explosion would destroy the theory of evolution. I’m sure if he were alive today, much to his dismay, he’d find that the theory of evolution is still alive and thriving regardless of the abundance of proof against it!(

            The assumption that fossils and rock layers are millions of years old continues solely because it supports the evolution theory; NOT because it had been scientifically proven. These findings in addition to many others have proven their dates to be inaccurate, yet they continue to feed these lies. Even other methods such as isotopic dating methods were proven to be unreliable in John Woodmorappe’s “The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods: Why Million/Billion year Dates are Not Credible.” His book is the result of years of research and has been approved by many geologists, so the same old “they don‘t understand/they aren‘t educated on the subject” argument made by uneducated laypeople isn’t going to work.

Evolution Conflicts with Religion

            Surprisingly, many believers accept evolution’s theories regardless of the fact that they conflict with religious beliefs. What doesn’t surprise me is that some of the people who falsely claim evolution doesn’t conflict with religion fall into a few categories: believers who don’t take the bible literally OR only accept the parts of it that don’t conflict with evolution (ie.Genesis), believers who twist evolution and claim God works through evolution, and lastly the atheists/agnostic who don’t care whether there’s a conflict or not because they think religion is crap anyways. There are a number of aspects of evolution that make it incompatible with religion whether a person takes the bible literally or not.

  • Time Periods

             Creationism and Evolution will always remain worlds apart and one major factor influencing this separation is the time frame in which events occurred. If you accept the biblical 6,000-10,000 year old Earth, you cannot also accept Evolutionist’s 4.5 billion year old Earth because the bible’s age of the Earth would make the existence of million year old organisms as well as the entire evolution theory impossible! Probably why believers who accept evolution accept the age of the earth given by scientists. But then why would it take God so long to make up his mind on how to create the world? Why would he not just create separate organisms all at once instead of having them all go through the process of evolution that lasts MILLIONS of years? Wouldn’t he create things in a way that is easier and makes more sense? Their fossils/artifacts are dated based on the idea that the Earth is old, so they make sure the dates they publish match their theories to fool the public. If they were dated within 10,000 years, which is more consistent with the findings of honest geologists and archaeologists, the extremely slow process of evolution would be proven wrong.

Man was conveniently non existent at the time animals evolved and even when they had come about, they were supposedly primitive, so weren’t able to document the process of evolution, so all we have to go by is fabricated fossils and bad science. They honestly cannot say for sure if anything at all occurred billions or even millions of years ago. The method they use to determine the age of the Earth is unreliable. Determining the earth’s age by the rate of radioactive decay is based on the assumption that the rate of decay remains consistent at all times, but if it has changed at all over the years then the date would be completely wrong. When other scientists used this method they found out the age they came up with turned out to be much higher than 4.5 billion years. It seems this age is not as concrete as they’d like people to think. There just isn’t a way to tell if something is millions/billions of years old to date. This is just more wishful thinking from Anti-Creationists to promote the belief in evolution. Scientists state the age as a fact and because of this many creationists are tricked into believing it. Likewise, they believe evolution without realizing it is false.

  • Natural Process vs. A Creator

            The biggest thing that sets evolution apart from creationism is the explanation for how the universe came into existence. Creationists believe that a higher power created everything with his supernatural abilities. Evolutionists believe everything came into existence naturally, evolving over billions of years, and there are highly regarded Evolutionists like Stephen Hawkings who claim the universe could have created itself. How and why would anyone ever think it was smart to attempt to intertwine these two complete opposites? Believers who accept evolution don’t believe it to the point where it diminishes their faith completely, but they do feel a higher power is needed to jumpstart the process of evolution. They believe God works through evolution. God has no part in evolution whatsoever! Evolution was created and supported by those who didn’t believe in God/the bible and wanted an alternative to creationism. That is why evolution is the exact opposite of what the bible says.

            If evolution occurred naturally and everything created itself, there would be no need for a God. Why do you think so many Atheists accept evolution? It’s not because it was proven; it’s because it explains how everything came about with the exclusion of a God. Evolution is very much an anti-God theory and would be illogical for believers to accept God AND evolution. Believers being divided between the two is evidence they are lacking in faith. Evolution is Satan’s false doctrine used to put doubt and questions about the word of God in the minds of man. Some believers don’t realize that believing evolution is letting Satan’s foot in the door. He wants you to turn away from scripture and getting people to reject the creation story in Genesis is just the start. If he can get you to reject one book of the bible he will just continue until you reject it all OR at least enough of it to get you off track. Satan’s lie and God’s truth don’t mix.

            From the time children enter school, they are conditioned to lean more toward science for logic and understanding. The problem comes when they rely too heavily on science for all the answers when science leaves so many questions unanswered. The most important questions of man which are vital to their understanding of their existence are brushed under the rug and clouded by science rather than being revealed by science. By limiting their understanding to what little man’s science teaches them, they cannot comprehend the miracles that are beyond what man can understand. In the end, they are drawn away from God since science will teach man what is possible for humans, but God tells us that nothing is impossible with him. When evolutionists say “the bible isn‘t logical,” it isn’t actually a problem with the bible. They are simply speaking from their limited knowledge of what they were taught of the possibilities within science. Thus, anything outside of science “isn‘t logical” to them. Adding to the problem, The big “WHY” is simply ignored as some irrelevant nonsense. But many turn to religion because it provides answers to the “WHY man exist?” questions that linger in the minds of so many. And if believers turn to anti-God science for answers of man’s existence that God so plainly explains in the bible, how can they still claim to solely follow God? God, being that he is the creator of all things, already answers all these questions man need to know about origin in the bible so that man will know the truth and won’t be deceived by the lies of evolution. Since real scientific evidence has shown that no evolution has occurred, believers have no obligation to accept the pseudo-science of anti-God Evolutionists.

Anti-Creationists don’t think for themselves

             Anti-creationists have been found guilty of the same crime charged with the religious: “not thinking for themselves.” The common people often rely on professionals to educate them on various subjects which is in some cases no different than students learning from fictional history books that teach them how “just” the early settlers were and how Christopher Columbus wasn’t the slave owning, evil, tyrant he was known to be.

Do you know how confused I was as a child when I read a book about Christopher Columbus in school that claimed the Indians willingly gave their land over to complete strangers that suddenly appeared on their land? I stared at the picture of Columbus handing the Indians gold in exchange for their land for a while… I knew something was fishy about that story, but I was shocked to find out the true story was that he wanted to turn the Indians into slaves and actually went there to FIND gold not GIVE IT AWAY! As if they’d get gold, they didn’t want to give away their HOME! The Indians would be lucky if he was kind enough to loosen the shackles on their necks! This reminds me of when I was taught evolution as a kid and realized right away that none of it registered.

Atheists like to say kids are brainwashed from being indoctrinated by religion, but most kids don’t understand the whole purpose of religion until they grow up, so like me, they couldn’t reject evolution solely because it contradicts religious teachings. Kids are like sponges, but only to a point. Some things stick and some things don’t. Like if adults lie to kids and tell them everything is fine when the kids can sense in the adult’s body language that something IS wrong without having been told the truth. Atheists try to paint children as ignorant youngsters when many know kids know a lot more than they seem. They can also reason. By recognizing this, they’d have to admit that religion is something that sticks with kids until they grow up and evolution does not mainly because it doesn’t make sense to them. No wonder they paint children as ignorant fools who believe whatever their parents tell them.

The point is that if people are willing to alter “historical” events based on what they want people to know, what makes them think they wouldn’t lie to the public about anything else? Whether fact or fiction, information will be published and readily available to anyone wishing to learn. It’s up to the public who read these books to find out if its true or not. Sadly, most of them just take the “expert’s” word for it. In accepting something like evolution without questioning it, people will be just as confused as I know many kids are when they are taught evolution.

  • Hiding the truth

             Evolutionists have been lying to the public for years only presenting them with evidence that supports evolution. If their experiments/fossils appear to support creationism and disprove evolution, they just fabricate it and leave out important details to make people think it actually supports evolution OR they keep quiet about it out of sheer denial/to keep their jobs. Rather than letting people think for themselves, they completely eliminate any room for independent thinking.

The public cannot rely solely on Evolutionist’s books or even any of their publications in the magazines. It will always be filled with lies and tricks to persuade those who aren’t highly educated about science/genetics. Even the ones that accept evolution show obvious signs that they’ve only “educated” themselves on the pseudo-science in books since the repeat everything Evolutionists have said or printed like robots. They’ve manipulated genes every which way they could think of and STILL haven’t been able to mimic the process of evolution or even come close to showing that evolution could even be possible. The barriers God placed in genes prevent them from doing so! That is how we know they’re just taking the Evolutionist’s word for it. It’s sad watching them defend the lies Satan has told them when we know Satan probably has more faith in God than any man alive yet he is trying to get them to loose faith in him.

I’ve been to a bunch of different sites where the common people attempt to explain how evolution works and none of them present any concrete evidence as in proof in genetics or anything. A common tendency among them is to merely mention Creationists’ arguments and dismiss them as ignorant without even attempting to debunk them and show Creationists where they’re wrong. If our arguments are so weak, then they should easily be able to debunk them right? Instead, you get the same old “they‘re lying/they don‘t understand.” At least when Atheists make a false claim about Christianity we can debunk it and when we say you don’t understand we have many scriptures to show that you really don’t understand. Whether it’s scripture or scientific evidence against evolution, Creationists present something to defend their case. Why can’t Atheists do the same?

  • Atheists’ tricks and biases revealed

            I would think the many books out there that expose the lies of evolution would make those who are pro-evolution stop and think. I was wrong. Theses books like Icons of Evolution(revealing many lies and cover-ups in evolution), Dismantling Evolution(showing how impossible it is for evolution to take place), The truth about Human Origins, etc., are readily available to the public, but they often refuse to read them. They purposely avoid anything that contradicts what they’ve been indoctrinated and make up excuses as to why they won’t accept contradictions from valid sources. Apparently taking after the Grandfathers of the evolution theory…

Wikipedia Anti-Truth Movement

            One of their latest tricks to avoid refuting evidence of creationism and the Genesis flood is attacking Creationists’ credibility. One site in particular I’d like people to turn their attention to is the biased wikipedia. I had previously known their information to be truthful and reliable, but after reading some particular articles pertaining to Evolution and Creationism, it’s obvious that some Anti-Creationist has been going around soiling the articles with intent to show evolution’s superiority aka Atheist Propaganda! It’s like they knew they were loosing the battle against creationism and lashed out on Creationists by attempting to make our claims seem unreliable.

            The first trick they used is pinning one creationist against the other to make it appear as if their views conflict. For example, in Creationist Kent Hovind’s article an Atheist wrote that he was criticized by Young Earth creationists and in the Creation Research article they wrote that the IRC is criticized by the Creationist organization “Answers In Genesis”. Throughout the article it is clear that they don’t agree with either one and they attempt to lead readers to come to the same conclusion, so once the reader completes the marry-go-round of articles that appear to conflict with one another, they are expected to conclude that neither source is reliable. Fortunately, their trick doesn’t work, but it is quite annoying. My main concern is that same old “you don‘t understand” claim they add to the articles.

            They even go as far as belittling the schools the Creationists go to to make them appear less educated! Who is going to believe only schools Creationists go to are no good while believing only the schools Evolutionists go to are top notch, which is based solely off their personal opinion? How would an Atheist be able to determine the legitimacy of particular religious schools that they’ve NEVER ATTENDED? And without having the profound knowledge of the bible as the religious do, how would they be able to tell you whether or not someone from a religious school is educated on the subject they studied? THEY WOULDN’T! Making a few Creationists look unintelligent won’t make each and every one look unintelligent. It will only appear as though Evolutionists will DO and SAY anything to avoid the facts that support creationism. Claiming anyone who doesn’t think like them is unintelligent is just silly. You have to be pretty desperate to do that. We already know believers are working in the same fields as non-believers, educated as astronauts, scientists: molecular biologists, archaeologists, geologists, etc., and are just as educated as unbelieving Evolutionists. In fact, the experiences former Evolutionists received in some of these fields are what turned them into believers. It was the fact that they were highly educated that made them see the evidence of creationism in their work. Creationists actually have to be very knowledgeable as well as open minded in order to debunk Evolutionists’ claims. The person who presents the evidence against evolution is irrelevant since the proof can be reasoned by just about anyone. Even after calling everyone idiots, making their views conflict, and lying about creationists not having any proof, the evidence against evolution still stands.

For whatever reason, some of the common people don’t realize these “professionals” can and will tell some very unprofessional lies. They can be just as biased and closed-minded as anyone else, which is why they put their lies about evolution in the forefront and do everything in their power to prevent evidence of creationism from getting out into the public. It’s no wonder a lot of Evolutionists are saying there is a lot of evidence supporting evolution and none supporting creationism. That’s exactly what they want you to think! But the truth is that there is a lot of evidence that proves the world and every one in it was created, Evolutionists just don’t want anyone to know about it. They’ve kept evidence of creationism out of many major publications just as they’ve kept out Scientist Dr. Robert Gentry’s findings on the origin of granite even though at the time the origin of granite wasn’t proven to have been formed by any natural means ( They just simply couldn’t accept that the possibility of granite being created. They can’t accept ANYTHING as a work of God and they sure aren’t dumb enough to put any evidence of creationism in an article especially if they can’t refute it. You can’t expect Evolutionists to come out and admit they’re wrong. They will take this evolution nonsense to their graves. Then they’ll stand before God on judgment day and will be left speechless.

People need to stop taking their word for everything. Evolutionists may control the information that the public is exposed to but one advantage people have over them is their minds! You are in control of what you ALLOW yourself to learn. They control output, but you control the input. They can’t force it upon you (unless you were subjected to Mao’s reign in China in “The Great Leap Forward” era)!

Intelligent Design isn’t Allowed in Schools or Articles

            But wait. There is more. Evolutionists are just full of surprises. Not only does the theory of Evolution have a negative impact on the way they think, but it also encourages their outrageous, audacious acts. Ben Stein’s documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” exposes these acts in interviews with victims of Evolutionists’ tyranny. A biologist claimed he was fired for saying in an article that “Intelligent Design could explain how life began” and also for associating himself with a creationist Dr. Stephen Meyer. A professor in George Mason University was fired for simply mentioning creationism in her Molecular Biology Class. They even went through the trouble of blacklisting her as they did another unsuspecting person to prevent them from getting jobs anywhere else. A journalist was also fired just for publishing an article on creationism.

So much for that “freethinking” load of baloney Atheists are always preaching. If anyone has views that differ from evolution they run the risk of getting fired! That just destroyed any integrity Atheists thought these people had. They don’t care about people’s lives or how they are going to make a living without work. All they care about is protecting the lies of evolution, so that they can continue to gain support and profit. At least when Creationists claim evolution was imposed on people to control them they have proof. When a person feels the need to fire people(stop income), blacklist them(prevent them from working in the field they spent YEARS and MONEY to get into), and prevent them from publishing articles on creationism(interfering with their freedom of speech) something should tell you they’re obviously hiding something and they’d do anything to keep it from getting out. They know the power of God’s truth is great. If you get the idea of Intelligent Design in people’s minds they will most likely accept to it over evolution, which is why they don’t want anyone including their future Molecular Biologists(especially) to be the least bit influenced by creationism.

            The bold assertion that evolution has this “overwhelming amount of evidence” is laughable once the truth about real science, cover-ups, and layoffs are exposed. Its so overwhelming that evolutionists must constantly lie to make people believe, that they have to eliminate any bit of creationism they can to prevent free thinking because next to creationism the theory of evolution is crippled; that many don’t believe it and have written books, given seminars, and have real scientific evidence that debunk it! The truth is that scientific evidence for evolution doesn’t exist. The Evolutionists become tyrannical communists to make up for their lack of evidence.

I was surprised to hear Ralph Muncaster(a former Atheist and bible skeptic who turned to God after finding scientific and historical documents that support the bible) on an episode of Origins admit that he also knew of people being laid off for speaking out against evolution. This is immature, illogical, and down right EVIL! How long has this been going on and how many people have known about this? Evolutionists know very well their competition with creationism is much greater than they’d like to admit.

Also, what kind of overwhelming evidence is presented with words like “Its possible that…” or “experts speculate…”? Sounds more like a guessing game than proven facts, yet you have some Atheists twisting their words claiming some of the theories they are still looking into are FACTS, ignoring the careful choice of words they use. If the “pending investigation” excuse won’t work for creationism, it most certainly won’t work for evolution. You need scientific proof BEFORE you make claims, not AFTER.

How life was created/How God was created…

            When the beliefs in a creator and the belief in no creator are actually analyzed, the logic in there being a creator always shines through, regardless of what ridiculous metaphors Atheists make up to make the beliefs in God sound illogical. First, Evolutionists will say, in the beginning there were atoms and from there came single celled organisms which went on to create larger organism. Although they do claim that evolution doesn’t cover the origin of life, but the process of it. In the beginning of the universe, there was an explosion and then matter appeared, according to Evolutionists. Then, they boldly state the law of thermodynamics as a proven fact in text books that they know are read mainly by believers, that “matter cannot be created or destroyed.” Don’t you just LOVE how they attempt to eliminate a creator by making their beliefs the law? This law only leaves MORE questions in your head! It makes you think, “if it wasn‘t created, then where did it come from? How did it appear?” When Evolutionists are faced with these questions, they admit “we don‘t know.” You don’t know?! You have students forced to learn the laws of thermodynamics practically all throughout their school career(I should know. I was one of them.) and you don’t know if its true or not! Attempting to persuade people to believe there is no creator without any proof and presenting beliefs as just another part of science so they’ll believe you is just plain stupid. If you don’t know where matter came from then FIND OUT! In the mean time, the possibility of a creator shouldn’t be completely rejected and should be open to students.

            Atheists often say “how can you believe God appeared out of nowhere, but not believe atoms/matter appeared out of nowhere? If everything has a creator then who created God?” Sadly, they have come to believe this is an intelligent, observant, legit argument that Christians “cannot” explain without realizing THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO ANSWER IT THEMSELVES! All one has to know is the basics of religion and evolution to find the answer. The key aspects of religion are endless possibilities/miracles and faith occur with God. In evolution, the key aspects would be possibilities within science that can be proven with scientific evidence. As you can see the two are completely different as is the evidence within each. Evolutionists consider their theories to be logical and based off observable scientific fact. And as we know, it is not “logical” for something to come out of nothing nor has this ever been observed! Rather than clinging to science, they’ve clearly abandoned it in some cases and lean more toward miracles created by faith. Since they claim they don’t believe in miracles, they must provide scientific evidence of something coming into existence without being created, which they have yet to do. Although I’ve noticed a few Atheists boldly claiming “now that doesn‘t mean you should believe some God did it!” But you don’t give us much reason not to! And this comment doesn’t promote “free thinking.” It suggests that you shouldn’t believe something just because it doesn’t sound “scientific.”

            On the contrary, When speaking of the supernatural, ANYTHING is possible. No one knows exactly HOW God came about, which is simply irrelevant, but if he did just “appear out of nowhere,” it is out of the realms of science, but NOT out of the realms of faith. This is God we’re talking about, the miracle worker, the one who makes the impossible possible. Science pales in comparison. Belief in miracles and the supernatural makes it possible that God appeared suddenly, but if we say this event was not a miracle and that it occurred naturally yet we couldn’t provide any scientific evidence of it, it would be different wouldn’t it? The differences are the beliefs. One is closed-minded to all things not scientific. One is open-minded to all things including miracles. There are limits to what can naturally occur and to what science can explain, but no restrictions can be placed on the supernatural.

             As far as God having to have a creator… This is simply idiotic. Saying THE creator of all things has to have a creator is similar to saying what came before atoms and the explosion and what came before that etc etc. These are never ending questions that don’t go anywhere. Even if we were to prove GOD had a creator which would make him LESSER and not THE God if there was one before him, then would you believe it? No? So what difference would it make? If you can say “In the beginning ATOMS” then we should be able to say “In the beginning God!” All this is saying is that there was a starting point! God is the starting point in religion. Because science has only explained the “process” of life and not the origin then, a Creationist has the right to ask what came before atoms, since their starting point has not been discovered.

The Logic of Creationism

             The many miraculous things about humans and nature are all too coincidental to be unplanned. There is oddly a great abundance of natural resources that provide man with all the tools necessary for survival on earth. Miraculously this world happened to form with water, food, coal, wood etc. The there is the incredible design of the human body; miraculously equipped with white blood cells to fight off infections that are sure to come in life, or their bodies automatically responding to a cut by forming a blood clot(as if someone/something knew they‘d need to be prepared to face illnesses and injuries) just as the heart, lungs, veins, brain and other body parts all work together to keep the body running as they were designed. Our bodies require nutrients to survive and for some strange reason the animals and food that appeared with humans just happen to conveniently have the vitamins and protein we need. And yet some believe all this happened by chance of course.

All life on earth were made a specific way for a specific purpose. This is obvious when you notice animal’s characteristics are designed according to their roles in life. Humans weren’t born with hooves as they wouldn’t be chewing cod their whole lives; they’d need something more useful. Do Evolutionists really believe it was luck that caused humans to evolve with hands or that genetic mutations were the real intelligent designers that knew which species would have certain body parts they’d need for their survival? They praise science as if science does all the work, but science is nothing without a human hand and brain behind it making it work just as we know modern medicine doesn‘t spring about all by itself. There was definitely intention involved and nature doesn’t have a brain thus doesn’t work using this kind of intelligence. When people are born with hooves, wings, and one Cyclops eye, THEN I will accept our existence as random, but because we know restrictions in our genes won’t allow this to happen, we know that these random unplanned genetic mutations are just a figment of the Evolutionist’s imagination. Its also more logical for there to be creatures that were specifically created for certain types of environments; some made to breathe air and some made to breathe in water by the same source that created these elements, than to believe fish evolved SLOWLY with gills without dying in the process. This is all just common sense. It is only logical that the world was created for life as organisms were prepared for life on Earth. Many well known occurrences point toward the existence of a creator who carefully planned out the creation of the universe who made it so that everything could co-exist. Evidence of creationism is everywhere.

(Jeremiah 10:12) “But God made the Earth by his power, he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.” These were the essential tools in the creation of the universe, NOT chance, luck, and unguided evolution.

             Evolutionists will admit their theories support the idea that our universe and life is the result of a random, by chance chain of events, but you have other Evolutionists(mainly the common people) who so badly want their beliefs to appear superior to creationism that they defy what their fellow Evolutionist scientists teach and reject the terms “by chance,” “suddenly appeared,” or “random.” They believe Creationists use these words just to ridicule their theories when in reality they are just repeating what Evolutionists have said. Sorry, but it is a fact that these theories exclude a purpose and happened randomly which is why many of the people who support this theory cannot come up with a solid argument for the purpose to our existence after excluding God, Creationism, and religion’s divine purpose. They just say “there IS a purpose” and either leave it at that or create some vague non-motivating purpose that often only applies to themselves rather than life as a whole. They’ve really gone out of their way to make man appear random, but the more they speak, the more you’ll feel created.

All DNA and Organs have Functions

            Out of desperation for an argument against a creator Anti-Creationists have argued that they are they NOT wonderfully made, that if there was a creator he didn’t design them intelligently, and cite vestigial organs, “junk DNA” and illnesses as proof of this. The sad part about this is that the only thing they’ve proven is their ignorance of these things. They’d say “if there was a creator, then why would he make us with useless organs? We must have come about randomly!” Years ago there were many organs that were considered vestigial, but after the advance in technology and the study of these organs, we now know they all have a function. The so called vestigial organs have functions and are there for a reason which supports creationism. The discovery of non-coding DNA/Junk DNA(DNA without functions) once gave them enough to prove humans weren’t created until new discoveries showed that the so called “junk” was necessary for the function & structure of DNA and that there is no chance that non-coding DNA could happen to have the type of patterns they display ( (

Illnesses are also used to show that the human body has errors but our bodies weren’t made indestructible because we were meant to pass away. Not being made the way you think we should be made doesn’t prove we weren’t created. Illnesses are a punishment for transgressions and are caused by a number of different things. Mutated genes are called mutated for a reason just like foreign invaders of the body are called foreign for a reason. They weren’t originally meant to be there. God originally made man perfect!

Perhaps the most hilarious attempt at an argument was their ridiculous claim that the eyeball was not intelligently made. Let us know if you still feel that way if I opted to pop them out! They try to fight it, but the eye as well as all other parts of the body were clearly the result of intelligent design and if you are not satisfied with any part of your anatomy we’ll be glad to remove any organ, non-coding DNA, and eyeball that you are unhappy with. It is obvious how they’ve avoided all other body parts they KNOW are necessary for the function of the human body and use a few other parts as well as tall tales of evolution/things occurring naturally to make life appear random that they’re fishing. They have so few examples of the randomness of the human body and many of their supposed “debunking” arguments contain lies that defy science and rational thinking ( while creationist’s proof is truthful, descriptive, and abundant ( Their theories rest solely on the pseudo-science lies they’ve been told, so when you try to rationalize it with common sense, it is difficult to make an argument. Notice religion explains life on a greater level incorporating ALL things and science doesn’t fit with what our minds and eyes tell us of life. Evolutionists can fool people for a little while, but the more we advance in science and technology, the easier it is to see the evidence of creation.

             After realizing a large number of people actually believe humans came from apes or even attempted to change the meaning of evolving from an ape to make it sound more believable, I had little hope for the future of mankind. They’ll also argue the planets formed by themselves, naturally by orbiting around stars, which would suggest there was no creator. But a new discovery made by astronauts proves there are distant planets without orbits. Now scientists are searching for new explanations for how planets are formed ( Clearly they cannot explain how planets formed ALL BY THEMSELVES with any scientific proof because it never happened. Yet they will invent some other ridiculous alternative to creationism and the Evolutionists will then start claiming the next theory is currently a proven fact. As if proven facts can change so often. Their own discoveries go against their theories. The creation of the planets were planned and intelligently designed. Believing the sun conveniently appeared BEFORE Earth and life came around so all the living organisms wouldn’t bump into each other trying to feel their way through the darkness, supports the bible’s teachings of the order in which things were created. Not to mention the sun’s convenient location from the Earth so that it is close enough to provide light and heat, but far enough to prevent life from toasting! While evolution is saying these events occurred naturally, randomly and just happened to evolve in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. The whole idea is laughable! Evolution is truly the biggest non-biblical story there is. They would save themselves a lot of time and energy if they’d just pick up the bible and READ IT! These lies are useless to them and everyone else. God created the world. Why take so many risks believing man’s deception over God? (Romans 1:20)“for since the creation of the world God‘s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen; being understood from what has been made, so that man are without excuse.”

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Examining Exorcism Pt.2

Demonic attack, psychiatric illness, or entertainment for filmmakers?

          There are evil spirits sent to Earth to destroy God’s people and must be extracted and sent to their original dwelling place by priests. Whether or not people choose to believe that there are some who are afflicted by evil spirits are up to them, but until they can come up with something better than “they‘re lying” or suggesting that the possessed are suffering from a mental illness, which they have yet to prove, they have no evidence to dispute it. If they say that Christians are crazy for believing in demonic possession and evil spirits, then they must also must call many others who are part of other religions and non religious cultures who believe in the exact same thing crazy as well. There are shamans of all parts of the world that people go to to contact spirits/act as mediums and also claim to rid people’s homes of evil spirits. They are located in Japan(a part of Shintoism), South Korea, Europe: Russia, Africa, North & South America, India, Mongolia. Mongolian Shamanism dates back as far as 1600-1046BC.

It is easy for them to deny the existence of spirits, but it is extremely difficult to find any other explanation for the “symptoms/ailments” of those afflicted. There are many things science cannot explain and demonic possession is one of them, so relying on science for the answers to those afflicted will only end in disappointment. The tell tale signs of possession have been seen in many which have lead to the increasing number of exorcisms over the years. If a loved one of an Atheist was experiencing the wrath of evil spirits, I would hope they wouldn’t stick them in an institution where they would most likely die alone and tormented.

          The story of Michel Anneliese(aka Emily Rose in movies based on her true story) is a well known story of a woman who was suffering from demonic possession. Like many she showed all the tell tale signs of possession, but her story was unique in that her affliction was much more severe than any ordinary possession and led to the false imprisonment of priests. Because there are so many people in disbelief about possessions, I will explain how the bible’s account of demonic possessions explains all her symptoms as opposed to the assumptions that she has a mental illness.

The Bible on Possession

  • Anneliese saw disturbing images of people gnawing their teeth as Matthew 13:42 mentions as something those in hell do.
  •  She had burning sensations that were unbearable when she attempted to approach a church and had a negative reaction to holy water. Only demons would react negatively to churches, holy water, or anything pertaining to God/Religion, so much so that it causes them physical harm.
  •  She suddenly came into super human strength as mentioned in Luke 8:29 being able to overpower multiple people when she wasn’t that strong and was even smaller as her health faded as she was only 68lbs the time of her death.
  •  She spoke in languages she never learned while conversing with the priests. Satan has many powers and was also gifted with interpreting many languages as mentioned in 1Corinthians 12:10.
  •  She’d speak in a completely different voice that was distinctly demonic. It was a deep, sinister male voice that would growl, which the priests have on recording. The possessed usually growl at priests during exorcisms expressing hate and aggression toward the proceedings.
  •  When the priests asked the evil spirit why she was being possessed, it told them that someone put a curse on her, which isn’t something she would’ve know anything about since the curse was done in private. Again, witchcraft opens the door for evil spirits.
  • She had seizures from the possession as the ones in the possessed boy in Matthew 17:15.
  • She displayed disturbing behavior as the possessed man in Luke.
  •  The levitation she experienced could only be done with the help of demonic power as humans themselves have no special powers.
  •  Multiple demons took possession of her which Luke 8:30 refers to as “Legion” and It is also what Mary had experienced as mentioned in Luke 8:2.
  •  Since these powers, strengths, voices, and languages were not of Anneliese the only acceptable explanation for her affliction is that there were demons inside of her trying to take possession of her soul.

Skeptics will say that because the exorcism failed, she wasn’t really possessed. There are many successful exorcisms and some unsuccessful. But would you also say that if a certain medical treatment as those for cancer work for some but not for all that the person must’ve been misdiagnosed? There are reasons why exorcisms aren’t always successful.

  •  Exorcisms can last hours, days, months, and maybe in some cases such as Anneliese’s YEARS! During the entire exorcism the demon is trying to intimidate the priest to make him stop and fighting with everything they have in them to stay in the body of the possessed because lets face it, if loosing the fight means going back to hell, why would they make it easy?
  •  They can’t stand the agony of the burning pit of hell as the demons in (Luke 8:31)“And they begged him[Jesus] not to order them to go into the Abyss[Hell].” The demons may plead with the priests and if the priests show partiality, they won’t leave.
  •  Another reason why is that priests need strong/unmovable faith in God to be able to extract demons. (Matthew 17:19-20) “Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, ‘Why couldn’t we drive it[the demon] out?’ He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith.’ ” In Annelieses case, the priest didn’t even believe she was possessed when she first came to them for help. She was turned down twice before the priests were convinced she needed an exorcism but by then she was already overtaken by multiple determined demons. Because she was probably one of the worst cases they had ever seen, they probably had many doubts about whether or not they’d be able to get the demons out. Not only that, but she allowed the demons inside her at one point so that people would know the truth…that demons, hell, and everything the bible spoke of was true. Sadly, from the persistent disbelief of even those who have listened to the tapes recorded from her exorcism, it seems all that she endured may have gone in vain.

Possibility of a Mental Illness

If Anneliese was suffering from a mental illness she had to have had multiple illnesses because there is no single illness I can find that can explain all her afflictions and the previous doctors she had seen before her condition worsened had already ruled out psychiatric disturbances.

  •  There is Multiple Personality Disorder that could explain her change in voices, her doing things out of character, and speaking in a language she had never learned. The priest could have been talking to one of her personalities rather than a demon but she could only speak another language if one of her personalities could speak it. What are the chances of her personalities being able to speak ALL foreign languages?
  •  The personality would also have to “coincidentally” hate all religious symbols and know the difference between holy and regular water. Only saying things an enemy of God would say that would give the religious a cause for concern.
  •  One could say she hallucinated the visions of Virgin Mary and those gnawing their teeth, but cannot prove it or provide reasonable explanation for why she’d make it up.
  •  Schizophrenics can sometimes smell strong odors no one else can smell, but Anneliese smelled a strong odor of burning flesh that EVERYONE else in the room could smell, so she wasn’t imagining things. Surely no one thinks smells can seep out of one’s psyche and fill up a room. The smell was brought by the evil spirits. Burning flesh of those in hell describes it better than just a coincidence or a “normal” smell in the house.
  •  Schizophrenics also display disturbing behavior and can be delusional, but I would consider “eating spiders and purposely urinating on the floor” a little more than a mere disorder.
  •  Mental patients can suddenly over power staff, but the strength seen in this woman just doesn’t compare. She broke the legs of the chair her legs were tied to and squeezed an apple until it burst and tiny pieces of it flew across the room.
  •  She could have had a sleeping disorder when she had lost many nights of sleep claiming the demons wouldn’t let her sleep. As if she would purposely loose so much sleep. She was already frail from not eating.
  •  One may label her as simply psychotic because of the 600 genuflections she performed during the exorcisms. But why did she only do them during the exorcisms and not just at random times? This was a negative reaction to the exorcisms. It could’ve been done to make the priests discontinue and/or to physically break the possessed down which would make her more susceptible to being fully possessed. Claims of her just being psychotic or trying to draw attention to herself(Munchausen’s syndrome) don’t make much sense because what person psychotic or not would stand up and drop to their knees 600 times to the point where the ligaments in their knees were destroyed? She wouldn’t physically be able to do so many without a break at least and she’d stop because of the intense pain.
  •  I’ve never know a mental patient to have a negative reaction to exorcisms or only religious symbols. Anneliese’s health was greatly impacted by these things, but a mental patient’s physical health wouldn’t be affected by these things.

      When one cannot find other “rational” explanations for ALL of Anneliese’s afflictions, they’re immediate reaction is to dismiss them and call her delusional. However, from what I have shown you above it is more logical to examine the many afflictions and look into the issue rather than running away from it when a certain explanation doesn’t fit. The chances of all these illnesses being in her at once is well… unlikely. Christianity has explanations for ALL her problems, while science leave many questions unanswered as usual. What other explanation is there for why/how a normal, healthy, sane person like Anneliese would display disturbing behavior all of a sudden, be a devout Catholic one minute and hate God the next? The priest and parents were wrongfully accused of being negligent. They did take her to the doctor and if she wasn’t mentally stable I’m sure the doctor would’ve noticed it and treated her accordingly. Instead he misdiagnosed her with epilepsy and sent her on her way. Of course the medication did nothing for her seizures because they were induced by the super natural which is beyond what science can control. Negligence didn’t kill her. Demonic entities driven to possess her soul killed her. (

          Some have foolishly associated successful exorcisms with a placebo effect. The argument of a placebo effect is essentially a person who doesn’t want to admit to the power of God. The true story of Anneliese’s demonic possession and other possession around the world that are exactly like the ones mentioned in the bible is just more evidence that the stories in the bible are actual accounts of true events. Demonic possessions do occur which is why there are people who consult those who can extract them. Thus, demons (souls condemned to hell) exist, the devil (enemy of God who sends demons to possess people) exists, so hell (the dwelling place of these wicked souls) also exists. Therefore, Satan’s plans to destroy mankind has clearly been initiated. Making the main purpose of living life righteously so that you can avoid damnation from Satan’s tricks on man even more necessary.

          Also, priests don’t always take the person’s word for it. They are aware that schizophrenics can exhibit behaviors that are identical to that of the possessed, so a priest or a professional must examine the afflicted person and get permission from the Catholic Church in order to perform an exorcism. It is no coincidence that right after a successful exorcism that the person is back to normal just as the bible says they should be. It is evident that the person is released from the Satan’s grip by the power of God working through the priest. More proof that God does exist. You can’t brainwash yourself into thinking you’re getting a demon out of someone when you’re not. The way a person reacts to the exorcism is a tell tale sign.


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