Fade Creams I’ve Tried



Ultra Glow Skin Tone Cream

♥ This is the latest fade cream I’ve used. For some reason my old fade creams
that used to work well, don’t give me the results anymore, so I had to try something new. Usually, they work well again after I take a break from using them.

♥ A day after I rubbed it on my face to clear my dark spots I thought I saw a little change, but dismissed it because only a little time had gone by and most fade creams take FOREVER to show good results. After the third day I couldn’t deny the results! I saw that my dark spots had faded A LOT in such a short time. I’m glad I tried this product. Mine also came with this mini bar of soap. It cleans really well.

♥ The cream looked a little thick and hard when I first opened it, but after I started using it, it got smooth and creamy. It seems to make my face dry when I rub it in, so I usually put some lotion on over it.

Palmer’s Skin Success Fade Cream & Fade Milk

♥ WONDERFUL products from  Palmers. They have some of the best fade creams I’ve used. Like all fade creams, it does take a while for it to fade the dark spots, but it will do as it says if you give it time.

♥ I had been using this product faithfully for YEARS until just recently. I’ve found that it no longer works on my skin 😦 I don’t know what that’s all about, but it really sucks cause skin care is trial and error so when I find something that works I’d like to stick with it.

After my trip to the store I spotted a lot of creams I’ve used in the past, but I’m glad the ultra glow fade cream I recently bought is giving me such good results that I don’t have to worry about wasting my money on anymore of those other products…for now.



♥ This is something that my family members love as well because it really works even on the darkest spots. But they also say that you sometimes have to take breaks from using it when it stops working. It stopped working for me recently, so I had to try other things. I hate it cause this works so well. The extra strength version has 3% Hydroquinone in it while most fade creams only  have 2% so maybe that’s why it works so well.

Skin Whitener Tone and Bleach Cream

♥ This is probably the first bleaching cream I’ve used. I HAD to. It was when I was in my early teens and just started to get acne. In those years, this product never failed to deliver. It always lightened my dark spots as long as I used it daily each time after I just finished my shower. It is a bit greasy though.

Black and White Bleaching Cream
♥ (The tube in the long container on the far right) only delivered minimal results. I gave up on it after a while. I wish I could get my $7 back 😦

PONDS Clarant B3 Anti-Dark Spots Moisturizer

♥ #1 point is: THIS IS NOT A MOISTURIZER! I don’t know why they lied to me! And I believed them!
I feel like it made my skin dry, so whenever I put this on I had to put lotion on on top of it. The texture is odd and doesn’t go on my skin well.

♥ I did see a difference in my skin. My dark spots did fade, but only to a certain point, so I had to use other products to get them to fade COMPLETELY. So this is not a good fade cream in my opinion.



♥ Also only delivered minimal results. Esoterica gets used up fast. Although it appeared to be a large amount, there is something about the texture that makes me have to apply A LOT in order to get it all over my skin. And it was only after I used the whole thing up that I started to see some fading. It was not worth it for me.


♥ I was drawn to it because it claimed to be Hydroquinone free. HQ is an ingredient in most fade creams proven to be effective in lightening the skin, BUT I don’t like to use it all the time. It can cause the skin to thin a little making your skin more sensitive to the sun. I now use sunblock spf 30 whenever I go out in the sun because all I use is HQ. This product is the reason why. It seems that these more natural fade creams don’t work as well as the ones with HQ in them. This one did nothing to my dark spots at all. So back to the unnatural stuff I go!

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